Example sentences of "[art] book [is] that it " in BNC.

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1 The only problem I had with the book is that it is hinged on the premise that hardened psychopaths are capable of deep love — somehow that does n't ring true .
2 The downside of the book is that it is written in a terribly deadpan style : ‘ At forty-five Picasso had become a successful man .
3 Although one character does get to chunter on for half a page about how the real point of fund-raising is its feelgood side effects ( get-away ! ) , there is really no satirical content here at all : the real point of the book is that it features loads and loads of cartoon rumpy-pumpy : randy housewives and naughty underwear , haystacks and giant inflatable condoms , improbable sexual positions and unlikely transvestites .
4 The attraction of the book is that it gives clinicians an easily readable albeit superficial overview that will serve as a useful introduction : and even specialists in the field are likely to find useful information in one or more of the chapters .
5 One limitation of the book is that it related to UK names only .
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