Example sentences of "[art] number of cases of " in BNC.

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1 Table IV shows the numbers of cases of cancer together with the age standardised rates in children aged 0–14 years for each diagnostic group in the three study areas during 1963–83 and 1984–90 .
2 Table VI shows the numbers of cases of leukaemia and lymphomas for 10 year age groups in the age range 25–74 , together with age specific and overall incidence rates , in the three study areas during 1984–90 .
3 The number of cases of developed Aids is now more than 2,649 .
4 Apart from the People 's Republic of China , which claims to have eradicated syphilis in the space of about ten years , most countries are now reporting an increase in the number of cases of early infectious syphilis , usually amongst male homosexuals .
5 In the early seventies , the Swedes , worried by the startling increase in the number of cases of gonorrhoea , launched a health education campaign featuring a ‘ flying condom ’ which could be seen on all the best hoardings , exhorting the general public to use a protective in all acts of sexual intercourse .
6 Their figures for the incidence of the various diseases are fairly accurate , every doctor having to fill in a form listing the number of cases of communicable disease seen each week ; however , as elsewhere , the minor sexually transmitted diseases are not included .
7 Having followed the decline in the number of cases of gonorrhoea into the middle fifties , syphilis , in contrast , has remained at a comparatively low level ever since .
8 And , of course , the CEOs tell the truth — the number of cases of sexual misconduct by teachers that reach education authority levels is minute .
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10 When the price of graphite fell in 1900 and the mines closed they returned to their villages ; one result was an increase in the number of cases of cattle stealing in the Western and Southern Provinces of fifty-six per cent over 1899 .
11 This is four times the number of cases of AIDS actually reported to the WHO ( 501,272 to April 1992 ) .
12 A full explanation of the facts allows them to make a fully informed decision about their surgery ; this might reduce the number of cases of litigation arising from misunderstandings about the purpose and nature of any planned treatment .
13 So I mean th the instance of breast cancer is rising the instance of breast cancer , the number of cases of breast is rising , it rises with age .
14 However , sexual abuse of children clearly differs in nature from physical abuse : the perpetrators are mostly male , the victims mostly female , ( although the number of cases of boys being abused in this way is growing ) , and understanding the origins of such abuse must lie within an understanding of sexuality and the distribution of power within our society .
15 Although the number of cases of infectious syphilis seen in genitourinary medicine clinics has fallen since 1981 , the rate of fall slowed in 1988 ( fig 1 ( bottom ) ) .
16 The number of cases of acute hepatitis B diagnosed each year in men aged 15 years or over increased during the early 1980s , and reached a peak of 1285 in 1984 .
17 We looked at the total incidence of gonorrhoea ; the number of cases of gonorrhoea found in men overall and in homosexual men ; the male to female ratio of cases of gonorrhoea ; and the number of new cases of HIV infection diagnosed in homosexual men ( table ) .
18 PER CENT ( PERCENTAGE ) — A proportion or a part in a hundred ; i.e. the number of cases of a part divided by the number of total cases and multiplied by 100 .
19 We 've seen new and harsher disciplinary procedures introduced , safety measures ignored and regrettably increases in the number of cases of racial and sexual harassment .
20 The admission rate for diabetics fell by 26% over this four-year period , the number of patients admitted with ketoacidosis decreased from 19 to 3 per year , and the number of cases of severe hypoglycaemia remained constant :
21 Although the number of cases of sudden infant death syndrome ( SIDS ) in the UK in 1992 was half that in 1991 ( 456 vs 912 , respectively ) , SIDS remains the commonest cause of death in babies older than 1 week .
22 The number of cases of bovine spongiform encephalopathy ( BSE ) among cattle has continued to rise , despite repeated assurances from government spokesmen that the disease would soon decline .
23 Dr Wolff compared the number of cases of leukaemia and lymphoma with car ownership statistics in 22 countries during the period 1984=88 .
24 The number of cases of thyroid cancer among children in Belarus ( Belorussia ) has risen 100 times since the Chernobyl disaster in 1986 , with the highest levels in the areas where radioactive fallout was greatest .
25 Perhaps our common reason is not any prediction about the number of cases of injustice that the checkerboard strategy would produce or prevent , but our conviction that no one should actively engage in producing what he believes to be injustice .
26 The latest figures show that the number of cases of serious backpain reported has risen by 40% over the past 5 years .
27 The latest flu epidemic could be followed by an upsurge in the number of cases of meningitis .
28 The government has announced a near doubling of the number of cases of AIDS among heterosexuals , and says the disease is growing faster in this group than in any other .
29 But Allen warns : ‘ A number of cases of decompression sickness have resulted after required decompression stops have been missed due to divers running out of air towards the end of their dives . ’
30 He argues that the extent of this control has been exaggerated , and as evidence documents a number of cases of successful , although sometimes shortlived , insurgent labour movements that have taken place .
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