Example sentences of "[art] dozen [coord] [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But to say " all barristers in chambers at 4 Dr Johnson 's Buildings are thieves " would be sufficiently specific to allow the dozen or so barristers in those chambers to take action .
2 The main onus of filling all of the gaps appears to have fallen on the teachers of community languages themselves , and more precisely on the dozen or so coordinators employed by various local education authorities to supervise the insertion of community languages into the curriculum of mainstream schools .
3 There was the high-class brothel , managed by Michael Lee , which operated out of the house across the park from Katherine 's own home , and then there were the dozen or so girls — the pick of the brothel girls — who worked the society parties .
4 The Canadian has an operating crew of five ( excluding the dozen or so service staff ) and no one is entirely clear what they all do : fill out forms mostly , so far as I could see .
5 After the banks ' nationalisation he sold most of his interests in the dozen or so companies he had created and drawn his wealth from , and committed himself to combating the existing political system .
6 He trod on a patch of ice and slipped , falling down the dozen or so stone steps .
7 A new entrant , joining in July 1960 , had devilled for all but one of the dozen or so lawyers by Christmas .
8 Little is known of his administration , though charter witness-lists suggest some continuity with previous regimes in the dozen or so ealdormen also present at grants of Offa and Ecgfrith .
9 This particular accident , like so many others , would never have happened if just one of the dozen or so people at the launch point had recognised the danger and shouted ‘ stop ’ .
10 As he was conducting them across the dozen or so yards , the Archimandrite appeared to touch Miss Fergusson 's elbow by way of courteous but strictly unnecessary guidance .
11 I am a present looking at the dozen or so cones sitting on the floor and am making up my mind to do something with them , but even with ingenious ideas , how does one find time with all that knitting to do ?
12 AS YOU CAN imagine , the dozen or so habitations , and their inmates , became very dear to me over the years , and gradually took over from reality .
13 The member for Worcester City was on this occasion one of the dozen or so gentlemen who , after most late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century general elections , as a sort of ritual but somewhat haphazard sacrifice to virtue made by an easy-going society , were unseated on petition for allegedly corrupt electoral practices .
14 But were it not for the perceived economic might of a more unified Economic Community , the dozen or so nations of the Pacific Rim , who have been meeting in Australia , might not have bothered .
15 Happily , however , there are exceptions to the rule and it would be difficult to find a greater breadth of overall flying experience than that which is to be found in the dozen or so Inspectors ( Operations ) in AIB .
16 Of the dozen or so choirs in the Navy , including two in Gibraltar and Hong Kong , the one in Greenwich has sufficient expertise to record hymns for use in ships at sea .
17 Urodeles usually have a dozen or so vertebrae in their spines ; a caecilian , however , may have as many as 270 .
18 So a female quail does not begin to incubate her clutch of a dozen or so eggs until it is complete , and that may not be for a fortnight after the first was laid .
19 He failed to obtain a Card at Montpelier last year finishing 66th , but his outstanding amateur record has earned him a dozen or so sponsor 's invites .
20 Erato 's main mid-price label is ‘ Emeraude ’ ( DDD ) — initially a dozen or so titles varying from Corelli and Charpentier to Grieg and Tchaikovsky , with established ‘ Erato ’ names such as Schimone , Koopman , Paillard and Guschbauer .
21 Most bakers can only offer a dozen or so cakes because it 's just a small part of their business .
22 ‘ And do you think a dozen or so irregulars are going to break a way into Parfois ?
23 The amount involved could have funded a dozen or so investigations of the social implications of the reduced rail network , or it could have kept open one of Serpell 's threatened stations — Stratford-upon-Avon , for example — for a year .
24 For example , in a dozen or so villages during 1928 and 1929 , Pateman and a young teacher , W. P. Baker , provided short courses of the Chapter III type on rural history .
25 A dozen or so desperados lounge round the door .
26 The implants used to replace the hip are manufactured for this market by a dozen or so companies , many of which are multinationals with their main marketing base in the United States .
27 True , with a firm the size of Stevenson 's , working on up to fifty contracts for a dozen or so companies , there could never be so dead a reckoning that the final moment could be named with certainty .
28 This is — and we can say the same about a dozen or so batsmen in our region including Somerset 's luckless Ricky Bartlett and Gloucestershire 's Mark Alleyne — a crucial summer for him .
29 After a dozen or so phone calls , we finally discovered that TSL had secured coverage on Sportschannel America , a national cable sports network which reaches approximately nine million households .
30 Material from a smallpox pustule is introduced into the body of the person to be protected , by a light scratch , The patient should then receive a light dose of smallpox , with only a dozen or so pox , and lifetime active immunity .
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