Example sentences of "[art] couple [prep] [noun pl] the " in BNC.

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1 The Detachment Commander , a Captain and Ammunition Technical Officer ( ATO ) in the Royal Ordnance Corps , is busy writing up reports for the couple of incidents the team has attended during the preceding few days .
2 By wiping the screen with a special tissue every couple of months the electrostatic field that builds up on a monitor screen can be discharged .
3 It is hard to know exactly what the company were aiming at or were attempting to say , but after a couple of scenes the audience found itself tussling with one question only .
4 Within a couple of hours the silence that had wrapped the sea in peace was changed for a distant roar-like thunder .
5 After a couple of hours the German lady and I were so choked with emotion that we were scarcely able to speak .
6 But the gusher could hardly raise a trickle , so within a couple of decades the council filled in its basin and planted some flowers .
7 It might have been that way for a while , Scum argued , but after a couple of weeks the Boroughs shitkickers moved in , and the game was up .
8 Take this turn and after a couple of miles the road narrows incredibly through the hedges and stone houses of the village .
9 Of course , within a couple of years the standards simply plummeted because they simply could not cope .
10 Though scarcely a couple of years the lieutenant 's senior , he somehow felt much older .
11 The local press and radio picked up the story and carried it week after week — for a couple of years the gay struggle was big news for the folks back home .
12 For a couple of years the low cliffs of unconsolidated coombe rock and brickearth were eroded at the rate of 3.5–6m ( 12–20 ft ) per year before they were boarded in and a new groyne system established .
13 After a couple of years the clump , will be looking a little shaggy so in March cut hard back to the developing basal shoots and feed as new growth develops .
14 In a couple of seasons the younger players in the side should have come on considerably and be contributing regularly — it is then players like Rocky would come into their own , providing the guidance and experience that people like Strach have been doing .
15 See I 've had a couple of colds the past few months and then you think , well that 's me , I 'm getting better .
16 After a couple of days the answer would come , abstrusely worried in non-rhyming hexameters : ‘ Fortunate is the man who honours his mother and keeps off animal fats . ’
17 But in a couple of days the Big Bang goes up . ’
18 ‘ He gave me a couple of pills the size of tennis balls and told me to get my head down .
19 The studio thinks Vic 's a genius and gave him as much as they could until the insurance boys dug their heels in over big-name leads falling out of a canoe and then they went down the list and found a couple of guys the industry could afford to lose .
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