Example sentences of "[art] series of [noun pl] about " in BNC.

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1 Please turn to page 366 of the Old Testament section of the Bibles ; today we have the second of a series of sermons about the life of Elisha .
2 This prompts a series of speculations about the nature of poetic change : how far does language-change , and specifically , phonological change , govern and/or enable changes in poetic form ?
3 In many respects the issue has provided the main vehicle for articulating a series of debates about how the state , via its social workers , responds to the needs of children more generally and intervenes in the private sphere of the family in particular ( Parton , 1985 ; Frost , 1989 ) .
4 Like the hon. Gentleman , I well recall the Second Reading debate of the Shops Bill 1986 which followed upon the discussions and deliberations of the Auld committee which , since as long ago as 1985 , had been engaged in a series of debates about Sunday trading .
5 The biological assumptions involved in such statements are based on a series of half-truths about the ageing process , extended so that they appear to support explanations about the nature of life and health in old age that are not justified by the facts .
6 Since I was n't in a position to return the Parsons ' hospitality , I felt an obligation to provide conversational value for money , so I embarked on a series of anecdotes about my time abroad , some true , all exaggerated , a few plain invention .
7 Divided into groups of eight , each watched over by a party official , an MP and an industrialist , they begin with a series of discussions about current affairs .
8 A series of programmes about cultural identities by contemporary video and film-makers organised in collaboration with Birmingham Library Services .
9 In July 1955 , the Director-General of the British Broadcasting Corporation ( Sir Ian Jacob ) wrote to the Lord Chancellor ( Lord Kilmuir ) about a project he had in mind for broadcasting a series of lectures about great judges of the past in which Sir Ian hoped members of the judiciary would participate .
10 He and I have had a series of meetings about the provision of the slip road , and he reminded me of an undertaking that I had given when Minister responsible for health matters a few years ago .
11 The team will collect information on work and life histories of 1,000 inhabitants in Rochdale which will be utilized to examine a series of hypotheses about the causes and direction of current changes in the behaviour and attitudes of people living in Rochdale .
12 In response to this argument it may be observed that even the BCG itself , in a series of articles about strategic investment in the Financial Times , November 1981 , points out that there can still be profitable niches in declining markets and that ‘ dogs ’ may be able to bite back by identifying new possibilities in their industries ( see also Thietart and Vivas , 1983–4 ) .
13 ‘ A weekly column , ’ he had suggested , and when some weeks later , looking pale and rather ill , she had visited him and suggested a series of articles about the stunted lives of women and children in the East End , to be written from the inside , she had said , not the outside , he had rapidly agreed .
14 For that reason , he volunteered to look after Ron Martz , of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution , and his ‘ primary assistant ’ , Lloyd Burchette , when they arrived in Nicosia at the invitation of the DEA to work on a series of reports about international drug trafficking .
15 Instead , they are the result of people making a series of decisions about what has happened .
16 We 've given them three hundred and sixty-four thousand pounds of extra funding , which we could legitimately have taken away as , particularly in the way that it was done , and as I understand it they er , revealed their V I P protection two months early to the Home Office , and therefore cut our S S A by a substantial amount , and I would even perhaps start that as a , as I could , as a series of criticisms about the way the police maintain their budget , and about the way that they have responded .
17 ROBIN Leigh-Pemberton , the Governor of the Bank of England , sent shivers through an already-nervous property sector yesterday when he issued the latest in a series of warnings about the record level of property company borrowing .
18 Under their Chairman , Arthur Allen , the District 's committee raised a series of questions about the negotiated settlement and were unbending on the issue of retention of the District 's autonomy in all its affairs and highly critical of the failure to secure the appointment of Jacques as a joint
19 Perhaps this is because his problem is not a sociological one ; he is engaged in polemic rather than social theory and his work is built around an apocalyptic vision of the future of capitalism rather than a series of questions about social phenomena .
20 She wrote to SSDs and asked them a series of questions about training for residential child care staff on HIV and sexuality .
21 Reliability I posed a series of questions about whether support from relatives can be seen as reliable , and what reliability actually means in this context .
22 The debates on sexual violence raise a series of questions about the way that ideas on this subject are constructed and maintained .
23 Windows will ask you a series of questions about the directory ( and the files ) that you want to delete .
24 After they have had a reasonable length of time to browse , the folder is taken back and they are asked a series of questions about the ads .
25 During installation , Windows will ask you a series of questions about the hardware you have and how you want Windows itself to run .
26 This is one in a series of leaflets about the Poll Tax written for people in Oxford .
27 He clashed with his superior and was moved to a different section , and after a series of complaints about his behaviour he was sent back to England at the request of the ambassador at the beginning of May 1951 .
28 In another family , where the inheritance from the father was quite substantial , funds for the brothers and sisters were tied up in a trust which was administered by their mother , and this appeared to result in a series of squabbles about whether each of them was getting their fair share in comparison with the others ( p. 376 ) .
29 But in fact we can see in process in the nineteenth century a quite clear creation of a series of beliefs about male sexuality , beliefs which were inextricably linked to concepts of male self-expression and power .
30 Forty provides abundant examples of the complex manner in which commerce developed new goods around perceived divisions in the target population and a series of beliefs about the nature of hygiene , domesticity , science and modernity which become enshrined in and reproduced through the appearance of everyday objects , although again the transformation of goods in consumption is largely ignored .
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