Example sentences of "[art] series of [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This is particularly noticeable in Picasso 's drastic treatment of the human body in the series of paintings under discussion ; in some of them the subject 's limbs are abruptly truncated .
2 One of the most notable protest movements of the early Thatcher years was the series of demonstrations by feminist and other women supporters of unilateral nuclear disarmament at Greenham Common in Berkshire , where the Cruise missiles were to be based ( along with Molesworth in Cambridgeshire ) .
3 After the series of treaties in 1854 – 58 which helped to launch her on a rapid and irreversible process of change it could even still be questioned whether full-scale diplomatic representation there was worth what it cost .
4 One interesting aspect of all this has been the series of developments in ‘ maritime ’ North Shields by housing associations in advance of similar activity by the Urban Development Corporation .
5 After the series of disasters with the female graduate assistants the organisation hired Tom Watt .
6 James Anderson , of Jarrow , asks how we managed to miss the series of disasters at nuclear power stations that occurred in the former Soviet Union during the mid-1990s , causing the flight of tens of millions of people towards western Europe and triggering the ‘ Refugee Wars ’ of 1995–96 .
7 Soviet writers contended that the Gulf initiative had been ‘ positively appraised by the statesmen of the series of countries of the region of the Indian Ocean as corresponding to the vitally important interests of the developing and non-aligned states ’ .
8 The series of accidents at Hoechst has spurred calls in Germany for closer monitoring of environmental safeguards in private industry .
9 Others are less successful , in particular the series of letters by the late 18th-century mother to her Newgate-sequestered son , and the Victorian ploughman 's stream of consciousness .
10 The visitor to the Museo Guarnacci of Volterra is not likely to forget the series of urns with strange scenes of marauding Celts who run away from a Fury .
11 ‘ One canon ’ , he wrote , ‘ reduced to writing by God himself , two testaments , three creeds , four general councils , five centuries and the series of fathers in that period and two after , determine the boundaries of our faith . ’
12 The work of the development group as well as the series of scandals in residential care since the report 's publication continued to ensure that the report was not consigned to gather dust .
13 The survey updates the series of studies in readership and lifestyle habits of men and women in professional , business and administrative occupations , provided by nine surveys since 1973 .
14 Absolute precision is impossible : there are gaps in the series of accounts from some ports , either because the records have been lost or because the customs had been farmed to the collector for a fixed sum , and there are also some irregularities in the accounting periods , although the customs year normally ran from Michaelmas to Michaelmas .
15 Among the outstanding work in the gallery must be the series of panels of the Passion painted for the Cistercian monastery of Vyšší Brod in 1350–5 .
16 Boots Across Scotland sponsor the series of lectures as a positive donation towards mountain safety awareness .
17 It has proved to be of great popular interest and audiences of more than 200 people have attended the series of lectures on ‘ Studying the Scottish Home ’ , which were held in the Royal Museum of Scotland this winter .
18 For most reviewers of Auerbach 's work shown in London in 1987 there was no doubt that the series of depictions of heads that dominated the show were portraits .
19 The facial features , as seen from the series of illustrations of the painting in progress , were put in last .
20 In the series of sermons for Lent , you will be thinking about a variety of people , who are described in Hebrews chapter 11 as heroes of faith , and are presented there as examples for Christians to follow .
21 When the series of sessions with the advisory teacher came to an end , Betty said that she thought that the work had gone well and that the children had enjoyed it , although she had noticed that the response of the ‘ difficult ’ children , whom she also described as ‘ poorly motivated ’ , was much the same as usual .
22 Posidonius took the Roman victory for granted and analysed the series of crises through which the Roman state had passed in his own time .
23 More detailed information is given in the series of Handbooks on the Regional Geology of Great Britain and Northern Ireland published by HMSO for the British Geological Survey .
24 If there is a bias in the proportions of left and right lesions entering the series of patients in the literature then this will influence the dominance proportions inferred for the normal population .
25 Apart from wanting the law or whatever to catch up with him ( which it did n't ) , I had taken little notice , and no interest , in John 's furtive and elaborate preparations for travel — the series of interviews with the Reverend Kreditor , for example .
26 A guide to art reference books published in 1969 had 2,500 entries , some of which referred to series ; for example , there was a single entry for the series of monographs on individual artists , called Klassiker der Kunst , also published in French as Classiques d'Art , in which there are thirty-eight books .
27 The series of arrays to the right are present-day arrays produced by variable increases in μ and ( 232 Th/ 238 U ) at 130Myr .
28 The Complete Hedgehog looks set to be the first of many and to be as successful as the series of books on wildlife Les has already bought out .
29 The series of books by Osbert Sitwell on his life are quite fascinating , but by no stretch of the imagination can the Sitwells be equated with ‘ ordinary ’ people — indeed , it is their eccentricities which fascinate .
30 Continuing the series of features on major environmental concerns , Environmental Issues turns the spotlight on dioxins — popularly believed to be the most toxic chemicals known to man .
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