Example sentences of "[art] grounds that [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The 3,500 Zimbabwean troops guarding strategic trade routes remained in position and did not withdraw by Nov. 15 as originally envisaged , on the grounds that their departure would leave unprotected the corridors which were essential for the transport of drought relief aid to Zimbabwe , Zambia and Malawi .
2 Nine Iranians were on Feb. 1 ordered to leave the UK by Feb. 9 , on the grounds that their conduct was " not conducive to the public good " .
3 The Civil Authorities ( Special Powers ) Act 1922 enabled the security forces to search and arrest arbitrarily , to detain suspects for up to 48 hours for the sole purpose of interrogation and to break up assemblies of three or more persons on the grounds that their presence might lead to a breach of the peace .
4 This varies from a reluctance to enrol bilingual students onto courses on the grounds that their English is ‘ not good enough ’ through feelings of helplessness at not being able to ‘ get through ’ to bilingual students to a wish to learn about approaches and materials that will enable these students to complete courses and pass examinations .
5 Those paying income tax were excluded on the grounds that their income was already adjusted to family size .
6 On March 12 , 1990 , Stoltenberg called for an end to the stationing of battlefield nuclear weapons on West German territory on the grounds that their relevance would be lost with German unification .
7 In a surprisingly bold move , Sir Leon is threatening court action by June against governments in ten countries ( only Germany and Belgium escape ) on the grounds that their state energy monopolies distort cross-border competition in contravention of the EC 's founding Treaty of Rome .
8 The League , which had already campaigned for nationwide non-payment of taxes , on Oct. 9 caused an further uproar by calling on small savers not to buy treasury bonds on the grounds that their money would be at risk .
9 The bishops were sent to the Tower on the grounds that their petition was seditious libel .
10 Friends of the Earth has called for a boycott of all timber products from Britain 's leading " do-it-yourself " chain stores , on the grounds that their import of tropical hardwoods is contributing to rainforest destruction .
11 On Sept. 6 President Bush called on the US Congress , which had reconvened on Sept. 2 , to delay for 120 days its approval of fresh loan guarantees to Israel , on the grounds that their approval would harm prospects for a peace conference .
12 Although the government had suggested that anyone who applied would be permitted to make a visit , the Justice Ministry banned at least 42 dissidents from leaving South Korea on the grounds that their visit would " severely hurt national interests " .
13 The list also contains a very few phrases which apparently have no equivalents ( " soap opera " " Z cars " " facts of life " ) , but are included on the grounds that their constituent words have no relation to the meaning of the phrase .
14 NBC 's decision , which contravened the code of anonymity usually maintained in regard to victims in cases of sexual assault , was justified on the grounds that her identity was already widely known in the Palm Beach area .
15 Tanabe was the author of a recent policy review which was designed to steer the party away from its traditional position of pacifism ( including opposition to the country 's Self Defence Force on the grounds that its existence was unconstitutional ) and international neutrality .
16 He rejected the alternative package offered by Congress on the grounds that its tax increases for the rich would " not stimulate growth but stifle it " and were indicative of the inability of the Democrats to resist " their natural impulse to raise taxes " .
17 Czechoslovakia is going ahead with a $50 million programme to improve the safety of its controversial V-1 unit at Jaslovske Bohunice plant , despite Austrian requests that it be closed on the grounds that its proximity to the border posed a threat to Austrian citizens .
18 Greenpeace has called for a complete reorganization of the International Atomic Energy Authority ( IAEA ) , the UN regulatory body , on the grounds that its mandate to promote nuclear energy is incompatible with its responsibility as an international nuclear watchdog .
19 The planning directors of eight companies were contacted , of whom one declined to be interviewed on the grounds that his company did not use environmental scanning .
20 Her husband , who was carrying her clubs and who , in golfing terms , is very much of the conservative half of the partnership , had refrained from protesting , presumably on the grounds that his wife had been playing well and was ‘ up ’ for the shot .
21 In proceedings brought by the husband the judge refused to order the return of the child to Canada , on the grounds that his removal and retention was not wrongful within the meaning of article 3 of the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction , set out in Schedule 1 to the Child Abduction and Custody Act 1985 , since the father had no rights of custody ; and that , under article 13 , there was a risk that the child would be placed in an intolerable situation if he was returned to Ontario because of the lack of proper accommodation and financial support .
22 Whilst suggesting that he had been keen to run , he explained his decision on the grounds that his obligation to the people of his state came before his personal ambition for the presidency .
23 Surprisingly , for a man of such integrity , Mr Ronson appealed against the fine on the grounds that his wealth was only 10.7 million , an amount which the judge dismissed derisively as ‘ an artificial evaluation done for the purposes of sentencing ’ .
24 Sentenced to be hung by the peer 's privilege of a silken rope , for his transportation to Tyburn he dressed in his wedding suit , on the grounds that his marriage was the only occasion in his life to have caused him as much distress as his execution .
25 ‘ You deduce this on the grounds that his head and body ended up there ? ’
26 I hoped to catch Toby in the Press tent — a good bet since he kept his appearances on the course itself down to the minimum , on the grounds that his editor was not interested in golf but only in scandals that might be unearthed or invented .
27 In Hope 's original draft , Pennethorne was dismissed on the grounds that his scheme had three faults .
28 Jerry Rawlings , Chairman of the PNDC and Head of State , from contesting the forthcoming presidential elections , on the grounds that his father was Scottish and that his allegiance to Ghana could therefore not be taken for granted , and because charges were still outstanding against him arising from the coups in May 1979 , June 1981 and December 1981 [ see pp. 30437-51 ; 31477-86 ] .
29 In the later seventeenth century a French duke turned it down on the grounds that his father , by holding it , had accumulated debts of 200,000 livres .
30 Following a precedent set by The Stone Roses , who broke free from the Silvertone label by claiming that they were tied to an unfair contract , Michael is to sue Sony on the grounds that his deal is restrictive and financially inadequate .
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