Example sentences of "[art] third time [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 MEAN-HEARTED thieves have struck for the third time at the Wrexham depot of the Operation Christmas Child charity , stealing a fax machine used to send out vital documents for aid convoys .
2 Even as Mrs Thatcher stood triumphant for the third time on the stairs at Central Office the applauding apparatchiks were already honing the knives for the Saatchi team which was blamed for various mid-campaign woes .
3 At a time when the British electorate has elected a Conservative government for the third time on the basis of a minority of the votes cast it is additionally important to add to this examination of the impact of ‘ the voice of the people ’ upon social policy determination the observation that our ‘ first past the post ’ electoral system can convey a very ambiguous message .
4 Careful not to wake the others , he made his way for the third time to the lavatory .
5 I retire to the toilets for the third time in the space of ten minutes .
6 Another Scots exile , David Strang , has broken the Scottish indoor mile record for the third time in the US .
7 The Legal Services Committee continued in 1992 where it left off in 1991 and in January 1992 representatives of the committee appeared for the third time before the Lord Chancellor 's Advisory Committee on Legal Education and Conduct .
8 Gonzalez-Palacios also introduces the latest issue of the Antologia delle Belle Arti , which he edits , concentrating for a third time on the decorative arts during the Neo-classical period .
9 Noah 's family so quickly spoiled the new creation that God then made , and after Babel God began a third time with the calling of Abraham .
10 Steve continued with us in One until the following March , when he crossed the Atlantic to play for Vancouver Whitecaps for a couple of seasons , but he joined the Palace for a third time in the summer 1981 as our Youth Coach and was then appointed Manager in mid-November , charged with keeping the side in Division Two , following relegation from Division One .
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