Example sentences of "[art] only [noun sg] [was/were] that " in BNC.

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1 I tried again , saying we were trying to decide how many of us could get to this wedding and we wanted to look smart , but the only response was that he did n't want to hear anything about weddings , thank you .
2 The only wonder was that he had n't set a new time limit for her departure .
3 Oh no no no no there are no intentions whatsoever the only thought was that er if you 're into that type of advertising there 's another eighteen spaces for the company .
4 The only regret was that her parents could not come to England for her commissioning , though a report in the Australian War Cry announced that she had come " Dux " of the session and had trained the women cadets for the timbrel play at the commissioning .
5 For the Tory Opposition , the only hope was that the Bill might be delayed ; that , with the delay , the working man would come to realise that , if the Bill became law , he would have been wholly disenfranchised ; and that , with the realisation , the lower classes would unite with the aristocracy to secure the rejection of the proposals contained in the Bill and their replacement by others much more modest .
6 The only problem was that by the time you had finished the slide show at the end of the evening you were covered from fingertips to armpits in coloured ink and oil and all the gunge associated with it .
7 The only problem was that my present wife , Isabella Rossellini , also insisted I come to lessons with our daughter , to make sure she was happy .
8 The only problem was that convertibles are a bit hard to come by in New York .
9 The only problem was that the coastline awarded to Poland lacked a single port larger than a fishing village along its entire length and was therefore virtually useless to a modern state .
10 The only problem was that they were boring .
11 The only problem was that we had envisaged a tumbledown affair that we would rebuild over the period of time while we were still living and working in London .
12 The only problem was that the big men in Formula One were not delegated at the Plenary Conference of FISA and so did not have a vote .
13 The only problem was that every time he let the dog off the lead it tried to provide itself with a sheep supper , so consequently he had to keep it on the lead and feed it on tins of beans , sausages , bacon and egg , which had so exhausted his stock of food that now he was living on porridge and giving the dog the rest of his sausages .
14 The only problem was that we were not trying to promote it .
15 The only problem was that it did n't work out quite as we were expecting it to …
16 The only problem was that it was n't hers .
17 The only problem was that some fans broke the granny 's fence and scared the cat .
18 If the only problem was that the price of gold , fixed prewar at $35 an ounce , had to be adjusted for the wartime inflation in order to secure an adequate supply , then perhaps doubling the gold price would do the trick .
19 The only problem was that there was no space to walk !
20 The only surprise was that the game finished with all 22 participants present .
21 The only surprise was that the manual said that conversion of my 4.2 databases would not be necessary unless I wanted the benefits of the new release .
22 On the other , the only memory was that I had chosen as my lodgings , from the Equity good-digs book , an establishment under the auspices of a Madam somebody or other , under the mistaken impression that she was French and therefore bound to produce the most delicious cuisine for which her country was rightly famous .
23 The only disappointment was that after opening up a 50-point lead at the beginning of August , they failed to win any of the next four matches .
24 The only disappointment was that I never did see them feeding , for I could have learned such a lot in those short but interesting hours .
25 The only sadness was that they all appeared to smoke like chimneys .
26 The only sadness was that my parents , who had supported me so fully in the earlier days , were n't there to enjoy my success . ’
27 The only consolation was that this was a slight improvement on 1987 when Dagenham fell 14 per cent short of target .
28 The only consolation was that a series of valuable recces had been carried out in an area they had not previously visited .
29 The only consolation was that Newcastle and Sheffield Wednesday , whom he had predicted would still be in the Cup along with Arsenal , had also fallen at the first hurdle to lesser teams .
30 The only trouble was that under questioning it became clear that one of his central aims was to abolish mortgage tax relief .
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