Example sentences of "[art] thing that [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It 's , it 's , it 's very desperate and I 'm not saying that you would do it back because of that , but it may just be the thing that influences you to buy a particular brand , particularly the things which are heavily erm which have many alternatives to buy .
2 ‘ Sometimes it really gets me down , ’ he admits , ‘ but the thing that keeps me goin' is live performances .
3 The thing that attracted me was that it was n't your average plonk , plonk , three cord amateur musician .
4 The thing that surprised me most was that they did n't know how to make a quality tube at AISA and we showed them . ’
5 er I think we get a saturation point and the thing that annoys me is that young fellow who came to the club had a got , we got a special went to the special trouble of getting a for him and I can not get it off him and he lives up Newton way somewhere I 've been to him three times
6 Weak form : ‘ The price is the thing that annoys me
7 the thing that annoys me most is that , the amount of bad memories people have , I mean not bad memories as in bad thoughts , but bad
8 Come and see the thing that met us when we rode in here six days ago . ’
9 Her safety-valve , the thing that prevented her from going round the bend , was the fun of devising and dishing out these splendid punishments , and the lovely thing was that they seemed to work , at any rate for short periods .
10 The thing that upset me most is the verbal abuse .
11 and like the thing is obviously like the first realise there on a and they try to stop it , why are you stopping for , remember you are in the British army , if you disobey orders you 'll get a court marshall really started laying onto them , and like they 've started again and like the first bloke obviously got to the fucking water , cos he 's stopped again , one man one sides shouting out and round the other side shouting out and they have they 've all gone in , they must of thought fuck it and they 've all just fucking marched into the sea , and we marched them in , tent was only about that much above water , and we 've lasted thought , this is the thing that got me , he , he shouted at him , cos we , we , we managed to get them and that , he said right , right , go in , go in and tell them to come out , what , I said what , can you just pop in and tell them to come out , I said over here sarge , he said you disobey an order
12 no , no , well when I , when I get it , the thing that gets me going is this , that complete car cost me er six thousand , eight hundred
13 The thing that gets me though is erm , when they done these exercise you 've got
14 And you know the thing , no wait a minute , the thing that gets me is you know when James fancied me ?
15 The thing that gets us saved , the thing that makes us a new creation in Christ , the thing that makes us a Christian is putting our trust in Jesus Christ , believing in the Lord Jesus Christ .
16 But the thing that concerned me , my little lad 's had tonsillitis three times on the trot .
17 The thing that upsets me when I see all these pregnant people walking around is that I did n't do it .
18 The thing that kept me glued to the TV was the gorgeous Jennifer Capriati with her magnificent looks , great personality and brilliant tennis .
19 I would say the thing that kept me sane during that period was the fact that I had a part time job , and erm we were able to pay for some home help .
20 The thing that sustains it so well , if you do n't mind my saying , is its radio sense of priorities : clear questions ; answers to the point ; any space between probed briskly .
21 Oh Setver that 's the thing that make it pretend to not be the
22 LADY DAVERS : Aye , that 's the thing that kills me , [ calmly to PAMELA , a last , vicious attack ] have no fear , wench , no fear .
23 The thing that bothers me about English training is that although acting is as demanding as ballet or opera , dancers and singers work out every day .
24 That , er , Chairman , if I could say the thing that bothers me here is that , it always has done about food , is that we should be keeping up to date with information , all these decisions and all this advice .
25 The thing that made me a little envious was this girl — she 's his assistant on this particular film — ringing up , and there was a slight chance they would be going to Switzerland that day , and suddenly I was in there again and I thought how exciting it all was and how nice it would be to go off filming again .
26 The thing that made me feel he was more normal was this little bit of dialogue .
27 She seemed so happy and positive and the thing that made me opt for that hospital was when she said , ‘ Childbirth is the woman 's experience , we 're just here to back you up . ’
28 The thing that made it attractive to Paneth and Peters , and years later to Pons , Fleischmann and Jones , was its great affinity for hydrogen — it can absorb up to 900 times its own volume of the gas .
29 But the thing that fascinated me last night was the statistic about Gillette do you know they said when Gillette started When Gillette started doing the erm Gillette Cup , it cost them five thousand a year .
30 For many years I consulted for the American GE in Schenectady and the thing that struck me there was the way that when they wanted to attack a particular area they could mount an army of people on it , all of whom were pretty good . ’
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