Example sentences of "[art] most [adj] thing [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is the most pitiful thing in the world .
2 Similarly Shirley Henderson as the bolshie young Rose is highly credible , and the relationship between the two is easily the most successful thing in the play .
3 PERHAPS the most extraordinary thing about parenting is the speed with which you bond with the nondescript bundle presented to you in the delivery room .
4 This is Sir Trevor Skeet , a very wise and experienced parliamentarian , on 20 May 1992 : ‘ The most extraordinary thing about the United Kingdom is that , traditionally , expenditure and taxation were decided by the House of Commons .
5 THE most curious thing about the transport and incineration of PCB wastes is that they are , amongst professionals , the least controversial of all the problems they deal with .
6 He says its the most marvellous thing in his life .
7 The discipline of distilling the thoughts of others into your own words seems in retrospect about the most useful thing on the curriculum .
8 That was the most refreshing thing about it .
9 I 've found the increasing dogmatism and certainty that she 's right the most sinister thing about her because that so often goes with paranoid feelings , and it may be that this is one manifestation of that .
10 Well what 's the most awkward thing about this ?
11 Indeed , by far the most surprising thing about the whole workwear-as-fashion issue is that , despite now being a fair few months down the workwear/style line , there are still the doubters , the sceptics , the fashion-aware bods who hiss ‘ hype ’ at the mere mention of moleskin .
12 To judge from this book , the most surprising thing about the paper is that it did not collapse long ago .
13 ‘ I decided not to go with the Parslows , ’ she announced , as though she were saying the most reasonable thing in the world , but her lips were numb with fright , Papa was such a hard man to defy .
14 ‘ Yes , ’ she said , again , as though it were the most reasonable thing in the world , but she saw that her mother looked worried , and that doubtless Papa was behaving as he did because he had been worried about her , his darling , whom he had sent away from him , only to lose her in a foreign country — for that was what Britain was .
15 Grimma once said she thought it was the most astonishing thing in the world . ’
16 And the finding of the suit a few years ago was the start of the hunt that they now have every year , ’ she explained matter-of-factly as though it were the most usual thing in the world .
17 The most irritating thing about Rytasha — and there were many — was that , though she does not speak their language , she presumes to teach them a spurious form of their own religion .
18 I defy any woman not to think he is simply the most scrumptious thing on two legs .
19 But I do n't feel as if , I mean it 's it 's not the most pleasant thing in the world but it 's certainly fucking sa it 's safer than a lot of their more easier to put on and take off than and fucking safer and more effective than a lot of their contraception devices .
20 No er the most annoying thing about last night was when , when Martin was actually reviewing erm some of the topics that we had n't got right erm and Martin was prompting us with questions and we answered them !
21 god , yeah The annoying , the most annoying thing about it
22 l IAN McCULLOCH Candleland ( WEA UK : WX303C ) Ian McCulloch was the most memorable thing about Echo And The Bunnymen , the Liverpool acid revivalists of the early Eighties ( acid as in Syd Barrett , psychedelia and funny oily slides put over the spotlights , rather than mega-profitable discos in aircraft hangars and gate-crashing visits from the uniformed branch ) .
23 The most memorable thing about the complex power struggle that had this result was the fate of the losers .
24 THE most baffling thing about the weekend 's Smash Hits Poll Winners Party was the way the best and the worst in categories crossed over .
25 This is why the most critical thing for anyone who experiences distress is whether they are helped or hindered by friends , relatives and colleagues .
26 And I think the most disgusting thing of all is that Alan Sillitoe does n't show that he 's disgusted by his young man .
27 as if it was the most ordinary thing in the world , Lindsey found herself thinking .
28 Realizing the Schoenberg Variations was technically the most fascinating thing in the set .
29 I take my drink to a table and sit staring at my shopping list as though it 's the most fascinating thing in the world .
30 Unfortunately the graphics are the most varied thing in the game — each beat-'em-up level plays almost exactly the same as the one before .
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