Example sentences of "[art] dispute [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 USL also says UC Berkeley rebuffed every proposal it put forward over the last few months to resolve the dispute without recourse to litigation .
2 A special declaration reflecting the meeting 's key concern , adopted on July 22 , urged all countries involved to settle the dispute over claims to the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea " in a peaceful manner " .
3 The US negotiators had been due to meet their EC counterparts in Brussels to discuss the dispute over bids for EC utility contracts .
4 Describing diplomacy as a " continuation of war with other weapons " , President Menem of Argentina on Jan. 3 appealed to the United Kingdom to settle the dispute over sovereignty of the Falkland/Malvinas Islands through international arbitration , along the lines of the border dispute being resolved between Argentina and Chile .
5 Meanwhile , Hunt had carried out further costing work for Barry on the Houses of Parliament , and when Hall arrived at the Office of Works with the dispute over expenditure between Barry and the Office at its height , he shrewdly persuaded Hunt to change sides in an attempt to gain the upper hand .
6 He said the board 's decision had ‘ nothing to do with the Romb incident ’ or the dispute over allegations of cheap foreign imports undermining local quayside prices .
7 The Court also awarded all legal costs — £60,000 — against 17 individual students , even though they were involved in the dispute as members of USI .
8 However , if we can not agree , then you are entitled to refer the dispute for decision by an Arbitrator appointed by the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators , provided your claim is not more than £1,500 per person or £7,500 per Booking Form and does not involve physical injury or illness .
9 Meanwhile in the dispute with Iran over the ship Cape Maleas and its cargo of arms , the Court of Appeal in Ankara on June 3 overturned an earlier decision by the Istanbul State Security Court which had authorized the seizure of the ship and the confiscation of its cargo [ see pp. 38740 ; 38834 ] .
10 Efforts to find a peaceful solution to the dispute with Iran over possession of the Gulf islands of Abu Musa , Tunb al-Kubra and Tunb al-Sughra continued throughout — October , following the breakdown of direct negotiations in Abu Dhabi on Sept. 28 [ see p. 39116 ] .
11 Early in 1953 Britain and Egypt were still deadlocked over the future of the Suez base , while no settlement seemed in prospect to the dispute with Iran over the nationalization of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company .
12 The RMT general secretary , Jimmy Knapp , said it was possible that more 24-hour strikes would be held unless BR defused the dispute with guarantees of no compulsory job losses .
13 ‘ Sovereignty ’ is a word open to misunderstanding and one that is used in the sphere of international law ( for example , the dispute with Argentina over the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands ) , and also in the political arena ( for example , in the debates on the United Kingdom 's membership of the European Community and on subsequent issues such as the Single European Act 1986 and European Monetary Union , there was considerable rhetoric on sovereignty ) .
14 This is quite common in practice , and appeared as the subject-matter of the dispute in Johnston v Chestergate Hat Manufacturing Co Ltd [ 1915 ] 2 Ch 338 .
15 It was announced that officials were due to discuss the dispute in London in December .
16 By early 1922 tempers were short and the Chairman of the Central Council publicized the dispute in March with an open letter to Austen Chamberlain .
17 He was acquitted , but not before the dockers and other waterfront workers had entered the dispute in support of the seamen and victory over the employers had been won .
18 For example , the warranty may state that there are and have been no disputes with employees in the last three years .
19 My paper tells me that a dispute over pay between the leading British manufacturer of seaside rock and his chief sugar boiler has left the latter jobless and the former with umpteen sticks of rocks bearing the legend Mean Bastard all the way through .
20 In Express Newspapers v. McShane , there was a dispute over pay between the proprietors of provincial newspapers and members of the National Union of Journalists .
21 The sugar harvest was delayed because of a dispute over terms for a new harvesting contract between the government-controlled milling company , Fiji Sugar Corp. , and the 22,000 ( pre-dominantly Indian ) sugarcane growers .
22 It said UN military observers helped after it collapsed in a dispute over control of the local police , prompting new fighting for territory yesterday between the former allies .
23 It was only a dispute over finance with the Olympic authorities which prevented the EEC from enacting a programme in which the athletes of every Member State would have competed in European Community uniforms , mounted the podium to the strains of Beethoven 's Ninth in place of their own anthems , and totted up a European total of medals .
24 In the summer of 1976 , for example , a dispute between members of the group Gong over who owned the rights to the name resulted in the Virgin offices being ‘ occupied ’ by the group 's followers — a motley congregation of men , women , children and animals , with the appearance of refugees from Gandalf 's Garden .
25 The strike had begun as a dispute between members of the International Association of Machinists ( IAM ) and the CSX Corp. , one of 40 freight companies involved in contract negotiations with the union .
26 In the event of a dispute between Programmers over any matter arising under or in connection with this Agreement , then ( after full discussion with the Programmers ) the opinion of the Publisher shall prevail .
27 In the event of a dispute between Programmers over any matter arising under or in connection with this Agreement , then ( after full discussion with the Programmers ) the opinion of the Publisher shall prevail .
28 In Andersen Consulting v CHP Consulting Ltd. ( 1991 ) , a case concerning a dispute about maintenance of computer software by third parties , it was said that confidence is frequently used in connection with copyright material as it is : of course notorious that copyright protects only the expression of ideas and does not protect the idea itself
29 A partner may not submit a dispute to arbitration on his or her own authority .
30 Another was a dispute at Fiat in spring 1969 .
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