Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] over [pos pn] mouth " in BNC.

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1 Then he fumbled with the tape over my mouth .
2 He had it all worked out : the hand over her mouth , the knife under her eyes , and drag her into the dark shed .
3 Losing two front teeth , even two false front teeth , at the age of fifty , even if only for a week , had distressed him : he had sat opposite her at the breakfast table with a napkin over his mouth , and she knew that it had taken some courage to go to the board meeting at all .
4 We called again and then saw , creeping under the vines with a finger over his mouth to urge silence , a tall , blond young man who uttered the only word of Italian he knew : ‘ Grazie . ’
5 He swore vehemently , causing Maggie to clamp a hand over her mouth to stop herself from laughing .
6 ‘ You must be mad , insane , ’ Agnes almost yelled at her , only to clap a hand over her mouth and glance towards the door as if expecting it to open and her mother to appear ; and for a while there was silence between them , except for the slight moaning sound coming from Jessie .
7 Ernest clapped a hand over her mouth .
8 She stopped abruptly , almost as if she had metaphorically clapped a hand over her mouth .
9 Jane , watching from the entrance , had a hand over her mouth .
10 Then she realized what she had said and put a hand over her mouth in consternation .
11 Seb reached down and put a hand over her mouth .
12 When Roland began to speak , after this , she put a hand over his mouth , which was as well , for he had nothing to say .
13 But Garvey clapped a hand over his mouth .
14 One of Owen 's Sudanis put a hand over his mouth preventing him .
15 He shuddered and clapped a hand over his mouth , rolling his eyes theatrically .
16 The double meaning , when it struck me , forced a gasp of half-hysterical laughter out of me before I could control myself ; I clamped a hand over my mouth .
17 Other hands tightened my blindfold until it hurt and started fitting a cloth over my mouth .
18 The stench that the Doctor noted as he approached bore witness to the speed with which decay took place in the tropical climate , and he found that he had to clap a handkerchief over his mouth as he knelt to examine the body .
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