Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] as [pron] pass " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Now we just monitor him , check the progress of the hook as it passes through .
2 Looking at it and the bleak shore of Flotta beyond , the memories came flooding back : pink gins before Sunday lunch at twopence a throw ; dressing up as Tartars and Eskimos and Bedouins for Tribal parties ; cinema shows where the reels were laced up in the wrong order ; darts competitions in the wardroom flat ; early winter morning torpedo firings in the Flow , very dark and cold ; walks to Longhope for fresh eggs , or fishing for sea-trout in the bay ; piping the admiral as we passed the headquarters ship and eased our way down to Switha Gate bound for distant waters , the captain on the compass platform with cap at an angle , elbows on hips and gloved hands turned upwards , Spider beside him puffing smoke through a black holder and advising courses to steer ; and then , as the ship adjusted herself to the roll and rhythm of the sea , a last flashing message from the signal station at Hoxa Head ( now vandalized and abandoned ) , as it would be the first on our return , days or weeks later .
3 I remember the screech of the horn and the blur of the car as it passed in front of me .
4 We drove across it and through an arch where a conscript in a shabby uniform saluted the car as it passed .
5 The narrow road they were following was overhung with oak and chestnut trees , their interlaced branches letting through thin , bright shafts of light that flickered and danced over the car as it passed underneath .
6 John le Grant sat with the others , casting a glance at the pitcher as he passed .
7 She almost popped out of the swimsuit as I passed her and said , ‘ Hello , Jo . ’
8 But you can be a bit sickened by the effect as you pass the new crop of boarded-up shops and closing down sales .
9 This time Midnight moved aside and grasping him round the back of the neck as he passed , flung him headlong into the gathering crowd .
10 He said how he had noticed the barometer as he passed through the sitting-room on his way to the kitchen where the meters were .
11 He drums his fingers on the chairback as he passes .
12 The safest way to introduce it is in the skimmer , where it can sterilize the water as it passes through .
13 He dived headlong as he reached the top , but Burun stepped out of the way , caught his son 's sash at the back as he passed , swung him round and threw him into the wreckage of the bed again .
14 The colours of the countryside as we pass are English colours , greens , golds , the high washed blue bag sky , but as my eyes become adjusted and my mind learns to relax I can see them change and become , in the blue grey light , more obviously French .
15 ‘ Bring me a cup of tea , dear , ’ said Coffin to the waitress as she passed , absently reproducing her own tones .
16 A minute later I heard the orderly 's voice inside the compound as he passed cigarettes to the Canadian through the window of the cell next door .
17 The waiting silence was broken by , ‘ I 'd say the train is leaving Carrick now , ’ and they all went to the fields behind the house to catch a glimpse of the train as it passed .
18 ‘ That 's it , ’ said the Headmaster as they passed by him .
19 He glanced in the mirror as he passed it and straightened his glasses .
20 We now consider the forces on the cylinder as it passes through the atmosphere .
21 He himself had always noticed the one in the corner as he passed through , and his friend …
22 He returned the salute as he passed the guards .
23 And presses her face close to the glass as she passes me .
24 Cheered and keyed up in expectation of the pleasant story-book sight in prospect , her hot hand squeezing the scone in her pocket , she followed the path as it passed under the line of windows , before it skirted the domed conservatory where flowers were grown for the house : cactus , geraniums , gloxinia , palms , bird of paradise , passion-flower , maidenhair fern , all throve here in damp and forceful luxury .
25 One man in a clean white polo-necked pullover unbent from the cockpit as she passed .
26 ‘ Oh , ay , ’ replied the treasurer as he passed .
27 Madame Vassoir rose and walked quietly from the room , patting Charlotte on the shoulder as she passed .
28 Tony released her arm , clapping Terry on the shoulder as he passed him , and Terry and Sarah moved self-consciously towards each other .
29 After they had gone through the ordeal of giving evidence , their father , who was found guilty of eight serious charges with nine being left on the file , was put on probation and allocated to a hostel not two miles from where his last victim lives and where he can be seen by the family as they pass through the town centre .
30 Cosmic rays strike against atoms in the atmosphere as they pass through , and thus generate more charged particles and other forms of energy , and it is these secondary radiations that reach the Earth 's surface .
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