Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] that [pers pn] knew " in BNC.

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1 Hitler saw Czechoslovakia as the key to breaking Germany 's encirclement while Neville Chamberlain excused his appeasement of Hitler with the excuse that he knew nothing about the Czechs .
2 But only yesterday one of his own batch had n't been so lucky , and it was when the news broke in the camp that he knew he could still feel emotion .
3 Mr Gray said the fact of the repatriations from Allied-occupied Austria in May and June 1945 was accepted , but what was at issue was Lord Aldington 's role , and the allegation that he knew that they would be killed .
4 Though it has to be said , he wrote , and Goldberg , his eye racing down the page covered in his friend 's tiny handwriting , paused to sip from the glass of fresh orange-juice at his side , wiped his forehead and went on typing , it has to be said that I have occasionally had the illusion that I knew what step to take first and even , occasionally , what step to take second , I will not talk about a third .
5 Jean 's innate strength of character saw her fight the condition that she knew to be taking over her life .
6 Sartre 's character the Auto-Didact was working his way through an alphabetical subject catalogue , with the result that he knew nothing of subjects beginning with the later letters ; to learn mathematics by the route Algebra , Arithmetic , Calculus , Geometry … and on to Trigonometry would be bizarre by any conventional standard .
7 We were expected to follow the lessons in our Bibles , with the result that I knew my way about the Bible very competently .
8 Dean 's parents spoke out angrily in the Mirror yesterday , after we had revealed the existence of the bug that they knew nothing about .
9 The driver may be forthcoming that his boss said words to the effect that he knew there was no insurance but the vehicle was the only one available and the journey had to be undertaken .
10 The King assured Baldwin that he never drank before seven in the evening and settled down to listen to the lecture that he knew was coming .
11 Constance promised that she would , but she was so afraid of the outcome that she knew she could n't , not until she and Ludovico had been married and she was beyond her mother 's power .
12 Arthur flew to London and stayed in the police morgue a long time with the body that he knew as closely as his own , thinking of Fred 's splendid good nature , his tough-mindedness , and his humour about the absurd and even the terrible .
13 That was the point that she knew that the barrier had been broken .
14 It was couched in the form of a joke , or at least of banter , but it had the directness that he knew many women responded to .
15 However , when the trial judge came to deal with the case against the second appellant , the trial judge directed the jury that it would be open to them to interpret alleged statements by the second appellant as a confession by him that he was one of a group who assaulted the deceased , and that accordingly he would be responsible for everything done by every other member of the group that he knew was being done or was likely to be done .
16 The constables were keen to display to the field-worker that they knew the appropriate law to apply and that the law gave formal justification to their decisions , but there were a variety of other factors which facilitated this sensitive interpretation of the law .
17 If you 'd known at the beginning that I knew your parents you would n't have even given me the time of day .
18 Parul Courtney told the court that she knew he had made love to other women , but added : ‘ My husband is not the first person to have an affair , nor the last . ’
19 Presumably it meant that after a while you ceased to bring things to the Cabinet that you knew would produce a put-down ?
20 It 's the news that we knew that 's all that it could turn out to be , but it was just waiting to hear for it officially and going all through these months .
21 The strangest part of the adventure was the feeling that she knew what it was about when , in fact , she did not know .
22 She had lean flanks and no tummy , and I could see from the way her breasts moved slightly when she walked that she wore nothing underneath her blouse ; I also had the feeling that she knew instantly that I knew .
23 She had the feeling that he knew very well what a struggle was going on beneath her words — and that he was amused by it .
24 Why did she have the feeling that he knew something she did n't ?
25 It was an artistic relationship that ultimately cost the composer his life as he repeatedly delayed vital heart surgery to complete the role that he knew would also be Pears 's last .
26 Honestly , David , I 've doubted in the past that you knew the meaning of the word — now I 'm sure of it ! ’
27 To make sure that none of the macho details went to waste , the full , inside story of Washington 's awesome display of military prowess was entrusted to Steven Emerson of US News & World Report , who had shown in the past that he knew how to treat a government ‘ scoop ’ with respect , and who could be relied upon to resist the kind of sceptical impulse that sometimes afflicts reporters with a wider readership .
28 ‘ I was shocked in the sense that I knew what inspectors could do , but I was n't worried because I thought they were just wasting their time . ’
29 Heart beating , she waited to hear the voice that she knew she must hear .
30 Huy knew something about papyrus , having spent most of his life writing on it , and had managed to convince the man that he knew how to make it , without giving away too much of his true background .
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