Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [prep] [art] background " in BNC.

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1 The data are too few to come to any definite conclusions , but what is available will be referred to briefly here , and reference should be made to the appendix for the background detail .
2 Puzzled at first on noticing the familiar shape of Windmill Hill broken by another small , moving outline , she gazed with heightened interest as semaphore signals began to be spelled out from the ridge against the background of the sky .
3 The negative , containing the latent image of the figure but otherwise unexposed , is not yet developed ; instead it is run through the printer again , this time bipacked with the male matte and the positive of the background , the White House The previously unexposed portion of the negative will now contain images of this background , while the previously exposed portion , protected by the matte , receives no more light and is unaffected by the second run .
4 It is rather one which results from the process of ‘ legal reading ’ , that is , the reading of the text against the background of ‘ the legal reader 's access to a store of specifically legal relevant contexts ’ ( Davies , 1987 ) .
5 I block in the shape of the sky , the building in the background , as well as the shape of the lorry behind the taxi .
6 I block in the shape of the sky , the building in the background , as well as the shape of the lorry behind the taxi .
7 Figure 3.4 shows the results of an experiment by Channell and Hall ( 1983 ) in which rats received appetitive conditioning with a light CS — some subjects in a context to which they had been pre-exposed , others in a novel context , differing in its smell and the level of a background noise from that with which they were familiar .
8 People often say that a certain noise gets louder at night , even though its measured level does not alter ; this is because , at night , the level of the background noise is generally lower than it is during the day , During the recession , people near once noisy factories started to appreciate the quiet .
9 The voice could then be raised until the instrument responded to it above the level of the background noise .
10 If we call the complex of scientific theories generally accepted and well established at some stage in the history of science the background knowledge of the time , then we can say that a conjecture will be bold if its claims are unlikely in the light of the background knowledge of the time .
11 That is , a confirmation will be significant if it is estimated that it is unlikely to eventuate in the light of the background knowledge of the time .
12 View of Foxton Bottom Lock and cottages , with the Incline in the background , 1903 .
13 The architecture in the background shows some of the best known buildings in Frome .
14 Seeing the silo in the background makes you wonder if they knew something !
15 Retrograde motion is a natural consequence of the fact that the earth and the planets together orbit the sun against the background of the fixed stars .
16 Note his Bf109E with victory bars on the rudder in the background .
17 The illumination of the background should be set to a somewhat lower level than that for the foreground to give depth to the scene and add prominence to the subject .
18 This is why a child who grows up in an atmosphere where artistic beauty is in evidence and talked about and striven after has an enormous advantage over the child from a background of visual ugliness in which people are innocent of any artistic discernment .
19 Correspondent Hadrian Jeffs of Norwich suggested that the lady in the background of the photograph could have been Hilda Lyon , who was a calculator on the design staff at Cardington ; he also points out that ‘ the model is of the R.101 in its original form , before the fitting of the controversial amidships bay which became the subject of so much debate in the post mortem ’ .
20 Elise , tall , red-haired and elegant , occupied pole position on the centre-page shot , wearing one of Leonora 's sweaters , a silver fox-head brooch pinned to the scarf thrown carelessly over one shoulder , the interior of the shop in the background .
21 So we 've got column one and we have the picture of the cock in the background crowing .
22 From this vantage point , one looks down into the well which houses the external restaurants and bars , with the Opera House dominating the upper frame of the picture in the background .
23 From this vantage point , one looks down into the well which houses the external restaurants and bars , with the Opera House dominating the upper frame of the picture in the background .
24 How on earth could you see the hill as a background ?
25 There 's Rahsaan , one wired-up 19-year-old rapper shouting down the phone over the background music of a Brooklyn studio .
26 Despite the shortage of paper and the requisitioning of most commercial photographic glass negatives for the war effort , he was never happier , as he recounts in his autobiography , Books and Myself ( 1944 ) , than during those days in World War I when he worked late into the night to the background of a pavement barrel-organ in the Farringdon Road , alert to imminent air attacks on the city .
27 The child 's face was serene and beautiful ; there was the outline of a pillow , a coverlet , but the rest of the background was a blur of light .
28 Yet we can pick out and concentrate on the voice of a newcomer , or any other event which interests us , while our brain reduces the rest to a background noise .
29 The simplest method of all , where body concealment is concerned , is to match perfectly the colour of the background .
30 The trick is to paint the walls the colour of the background of the paper , using a matt emulsion paint , then cut the paper into equal rectangles or squares and stick them on the walls in regularly spaced ‘ panels ’ .
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