Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [conj] gives [pron] " in BNC.

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1 That 's the part that gives you sustain and that 's the part that you do n't want to depress to the point that it touches the fret , because otherwise the fretted strings do n't have the clearance to run underneath the slide without touching it .
2 He helps Crawford 's character , Jim Fenn , who also wants to play the cornet in the band but does not have one , to buy the instrument and gives him lessons .
3 After three months in hospital he returns to the car park , seeks out the girl and gives her another ticket with time left on it .
4 Now , so , the name of the actual Act of Parliament is Sale of Goods Act er and that 's the law that gives you and me and everybody in Britain our basic rights every time we buy something from a shop or in a sale or a market stall or by post through a mail order catalogue .
5 What , finally , is the vital , dynamic core of the community that gives it its uniquely distinctive character ?
6 ‘ Whenever I see Clare , she always gives me a big kiss on the cheek and gives my back a little rub and says , ‘ How are you ? ’
7 The ‘ base communities ’ of Latin America know more than we do about hunger and sickness , but it is study of the Bible that gives them understanding and courage to demand justice in the name of the God of justice .
8 In the end , the only character who lifts the play from the ruck and gives it lasting interest is the virtuoso himself .
9 For some , in fact , this meeting may be the only evening out they have during the month ; and it is often the encouragement and moral support they get from the group that gives them the resolve to come at all .
10 But though it may sound free and uninhibited , the skeleton framework of harmony or a theme , which can remain almost completely hidden , supports the whole and gives it its coherence .
11 Section 4(1) of the Police Act 1964 states that it is the duty of every police authority to secure the maintenance of an adequate and efficient police force for the area and gives it certain responsibilities in relation to the establishment , buildings and equipment .
12 This description introduces us to the tramp and gives us a rough picture of him .
13 Can we expect individuals to enjoy equal rights and participation in their social lives and yet work under an authoritarian structure at the workplace that gives them little responsibility and allows them little scope for participation ?
14 Hereford should be unchanged , but sure of a place is new striker , Darren Rowbotham an instant hit last week and he 's the man that gives us our goal of the week to finish off .
15 In another school , which is er , locally managed , we are I think about the only school in the county who have decided to employ our own caretaker and our own cleaners , and , and in fact the latitude that gives us , has really allowed us to do a lot more in that school , erm with the staff and the staff are happier .
16 It 's not like the virus that gives you a cold .
17 Unfortunately the author comes up with this approach only eight pages before the end and gives himself insufficient space to spell out his solution , so in the end he fails to satisfy our hopes .
18 The first is that of Aphrodite and Adonis : Aphrodite , the great Goddess , hides the child Adonis in a chest and gives him to Persephone , Goddess of the Underworld , who falls in love with Adonis and refuses to give him back .
19 This lets off grandad who makes grandson John a toy and gives it to him for Christmas .
20 An option is a contract that gives its holder the right , but not the obligation , to buy or sell a specific quantity of a specific quality of a specific asset at a specific price ( the " exercise price " or " strike price " ) on or before a specific day ( the settlement day ) .
21 He 's a soldier that gives everything ; throws himself at the enemy and for once every ball , he touched finished in the back of the net .
22 In multi-layered music , one or more layer can be an ostinato ( a repeated phrase which creates the background atmosphere of a piece and gives it unity and cohesion ) .
23 A dimension that gives you a more effective heating system that 's cheaper to run — Total Heating with Central Control .
24 It is avarice that enhances a jewel and gives it an artificial beauty , but the stones of the sea are valueless so their beauty is real .
25 Can you move house or work out a schedule that gives you more time to be together ?
26 The question really means : What is it about the idea of a god that gives it its stability and penetrance in the cultural environment ?
27 They each fall utterly under his spell and promise to obey him in everything , whereupon he tells them that he has to go on a journey and gives them the keys of his magnificent house but forbids them to enter a room which is opened by a particular little key .
28 They will need space and comfort , perhaps a garden if they have always been used to one and enjoy gardening , and , above all , they will need a property that gives them some self esteem and security .
29 If your father is a millionaire and gives you a five pound note for your birthday , then you might feel a little hard done by ; such a gift would be given out of his riches ; it would n't be according to his riches .
30 Likewise , by efficient data storage the user benefits from having a system that gives him relevant information quickly .
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