Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun sg] upon a " in BNC.

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1 He had been up half the previous night upon a quite different case , and all this night upon this , which had only just become a case , and his , after all .
2 ‘ I decide the present case upon a single ground , namely , that there are no facts set out in the statement of claim which fix the defendants with liability for breach of duty as carriers of passengers .
3 When I took a rolled-up sample of legal tender , printed by the Royal Mint , applied one end to my right nostril , placed a restraining finger upon my left nostril , rested the other end of the said note upon a mirror or any other shiny reflective surface , upon which was displayed a slender tranche or ‘ line ’ of exotic Colombian snuff , and breathed in as deeply as my lungs would allow , I was merely relaxing in a manner by no means untypical amongst overworked show-business operatives .
4 The same insistence upon a curriculum which goes beyond a narrow conception of role initiation may be found even in North America , where trade union traditions are relatively apolitical but not all union education is as blinkered as that offered by the British TUC .
5 The United States had accepted the EDC as part of its strategy : the rejection of the EDC did not mean any amendment to the American insistence upon a West German defence contribution or greater inputs from the other states .
6 In this instance , I am asking the Court whether , having regard to the terms of its judgment upon Mr. Berry 's application for relisting , the Court considers that it has the power to entertain an appeal of the whole case upon a reference to the Court by me under section 17(1) ( a ) of the Act .
7 The view , ironically , has a reactionary provenance ; the Canadian WEA was strangled by Canadian universities and trade unions precisely because they could not control what they saw as its promotion of class consciousness , but the resulting emphasis upon a ‘ do-it-yourself ’ labour education enabled Canadian unions to avoid the academic drift that characterises labour education in the USA .
8 Widow Badly Injured and Robbed ’ ; or ‘ Woman injured by Violent BagSnatcher ’ when she was ‘ thrown to the ground and bruised ’ in what was ‘ a brutal assault upon a helpless woman ’ .
9 Many churches had four simple gables of equal size one on each face , surmounted by a central dome upon a drum .
10 In his essay in Salmagundi , Robert Scholes argues that conservatives desire a common curriculum — any common curriculum — because this would have a unifying effect upon a society that suffers from an excess of pluralism , and this unifying effect , an achieved cultural consensus , would in itself be a good thing for the country socially and politically .
11 I suspect that the reason why the right has been so little asserted or used is because of the established right of individuals , who are personally libelled by a false attack upon a local authority , to sue for damages and because those in control of local authorities have sensibly left the issues to be resolved in those proceedings .
12 By the second and third decades of the twenty-first century the pension commitments would probably involve a major burden upon a smaller number of taxpayers , who might not be prepared to carry it .
13 Consequently , there is no net force upon a current loop in a homogeneous magnetic flux .
14 The technique of solving academic problems is almost the same as the technique of writing a legal opinion upon a practical point .
15 The fact that you never see a flat hedgehog upon a soft grassy field , bears this out and proves my point somewhat conclusively , I so believe .
16 Internal migration , even at a relatively low scale , exerted a profound impact upon a British population which was slow to increase .
17 A history of mass media from 1945 must thus impose a common character upon a set of — what ?
18 The " right of reply " privilege was established by the House of Lords in the case of Adam v Ward : The plaintiff , an officer but not a gentleman , used his position as an MP to make a vindictive attack upon a General in his former regiment .
19 To make a significant impact upon a bad discharge is not necessarily very expensive .
20 It solved efficiently and finally the problem of how to construct a circular form upon a square one .
21 As it became evident that a full-scale civil war was in progress in Spain , foreign observers hastened to impose an imaginary order upon a confused reality by attaching neat labels to the two sides .
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