Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun sg] looked at " in BNC.

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1 The television was going hiss and the tall boy looked at his watch .
2 While Oliver was eating , the strange boy looked at him from time to time with great attention .
3 The four-eyed man looked at his book .
4 The old farmer looked at me in surprise , then glanced around as though he had just noticed the weather .
5 The old farmer looked at me kindly .
6 The old lady looked at me in wonder and said , ‘ Nobody has ever asked me that before , but if you really would not be too cross I would rather you did not . ’
7 He opened his eyes again ; the old butler looked at him anxiously .
8 The boxer romped down the drive after me as I was leaving and the old man looked at him with undisguised admiration .
9 The old gentleman looked at him with an expression of dislike .
10 The old woman looked at her speculatively , ‘ I have a long memory .
11 In 1910 , when the Golden Jubilee of Thomas Street was being celebrated , the Quarterly Board looked at all the work of God on the Circuit and among other things they recorded their feeling that ‘ in Edenderry there is set before us an open door and we are determined to enter in . ’
12 The chief inspector looked at it , then again at Mrs Browne who was Nora Fanshawe grown old .
13 Alice watched while the White Rabbit looked at the names on his piece of paper .
14 The little girl looked at them .
15 The little girl looked at him solemnly .
16 This one was thick and protuberant , and bent unexpectedly at the top : it looked like a cross between a penis and a corkscrew , and the little group looked at it as if wondering who would dare be first to point this out .
17 The younger man looked at her very sadly .
18 In the retail organisation looked at earlier in this chapter , this could start at the sales office , then to accounting , warehousing , production , buying and personnel .
19 The good doctor looked at us sharply .
20 So it may be that Green influenced the way that the great poet looked at his surroundings , certainly in the later editions of Wordsworth 's Guide he acknowledges the value of the painter 's book .
21 The smaller girl looked at her long and hard before accepting it .
22 The older policeman looked at the children , a question in his eyes .
23 The older woman looked at her doubtfully .
24 The fat man looked at us without enthusiasm .
25 Finally the fat Nubian looked at him .
26 The Annamese mandarin looked at Joseph 's eager face for a moment , then his eyes lost their watchful look for the first time and he smiled .
27 Elinor and the doomed man looked at him oddly .
28 The ravaged face looked at her .
29 The thin man looked at the sky .
30 The big man looked at him .
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