Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [prep] the public " in BNC.

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1 The response of the public has at times been staggering .
2 As Table 9 , below , shows , the response of the public to the exhibitions which they saw was generally favourable .
3 The response from the public in places they visited was generous and heartwarming .
4 ‘ We are delighted with our new position which underlines our commitment to the area and already the response from the public has been most encouraging . ’
5 The response from the public had been tremendous , police said , after posters were displayed across town .
6 Generally a place is public if the majority of the public have access to it .
7 Within a small political élite — and 19th century politics was conducted in a restricted political arena — the press could thus play a significant communicative role even though this role might appear alien to the majority of the public .
8 For the majority of the public the health service is only accessible for the purpose of treatment .
9 It will provide massive rebates for those who are worse off ; and it will be welcomed by the majority of the public , who will realise that it is far fairer than the community charge , that it is progressive and that it will work .
10 The majority of the public are aginst hunting .
11 But the anxiety and fear it engenders might be less ( and the dangers of the Scylla and Charybdis of paralysis or overreaction might be reduced ) if the attitudes of the public , media , and scrutineers of scandals are modified .
12 The news media can , by the way they report and by the significance they attach to personalities , events and the statements of individuals , colour the attitudes of the public and in turn influence the way in which the constitution is interpreted and the political system works .
13 In 1912 Havelock Ellis complained that : ‘ During the past ten years one of those waves of enthusiasm for the moralisation of the public by the law has been sweeping across Europe and America . ’
14 In deciding where to place contracts in 1992 – 93 , DHAs put much weight on the opinions of GPs , but not on the opinions of the public .
15 Social workers need the support of the public to continue to do the job the public needs them to do .
16 To be an effective leader , to get bureaucrats and legislators to do what he wants them to do a president must retain the support of the public and , in the modern age , that is hardly possible without consistent command of television .
17 We think that on balance we have er the majority of the support of the public at large within Greater York , that this is the strategic er approach that is necessary for Greater York , it 's necessary to protect the greenbelt and it 's necessary to protect communities and villages er in and around erm Greater York .
18 The campaign , she explained , would press supermarkets to find non-Faroese suppliers and would seek the support of the public and the British fishing industry .
19 Projections for the future are subject to great uncertainty because of the factors involved in energy forecasts and because of uncertainty in the willingness of the public to accept the potential risks associated with increased use of nuclear energy .
20 This has added insult to injury of a privatisation carried out against the wishes of the public .
21 Does my right hon. Friend agree that most museums in the private sector have opening hours that suit the wishes of the public — the consumers and customers — whereas museums in the public sector tend to have opening hours that suit the wishes of the trade unions ?
22 Mr Lundy also wanted DIY stores themselves to learn from the tragedy and make greater effort to emphasise the dangers to the public and so attempt to cut the eight thousand accidents involving supermarket trollies every year .
23 If you generally want the views of the public it is no good trying to false those views through a straight jacket of your own to make it what you think there views should be unless of course they go right over the top in which they I do n't think that 's happened so far . .
24 These 12 jurors may , or may not , have been representative of the views of the public .
25 Quite apart from the limitations on law reform in general which such an argument would appear to justify , if the views of the public are of any significance at all in this context , then it must be its view of what the law ought to be rather than what it is .
26 The same person the same person all I 'm saying the reason that the meeting was convened this evening and the reason that Paul wants the meeting this evening was to get the views from the public about what they felt was going on at the playhouse and what they would like to see that is n't taken place I think that was the thing behind the meeting and that 's what we 'd like to see right okay . . .
27 Whereas in 1749 The Monthly Review had published three poems ‘ leaving their merit to the decision of the public ’ [ MR , 2 ( 1749–50 ) , 15 ] , in 1751 the judgement was more explicit :
28 The war of 1870 was popular and all the reactions of the public , the press and the parliament bear this out .
29 Similarly , producers would be able to make what they want and offer the products to the public at a price .
30 Serious and violent offenders should receive ‘ long stays ’ in prison , and the parole authorities should ‘ make the protection of the public their first and overriding prison concern . ’
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