Example sentences of "[art] [noun] standing at [art] " in BNC.

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1 If we allow women to celebrate Communion , we break the traditional idea that the priest standing at the altar is a visual representation of Jesus .
2 At night the place was jumping , the whistling urinals were all occupied , and then the smell of piss and semen was the smell of ecstatic terror , for we never knew when the place would be raided by the cops , and the person standing at the next stall playing with himself might be a copper 's nark , an informer or an agent provocateur .
3 I used to sleep in the same bed as my mother and father because of the shortage of space , but one morning I woke up in another room and I looked out and saw the undertaker standing at the top of the stairs .
4 The man standing at the entrance was in his late twenties with greasy blond hair and a stained apron tied loosely' around his fat stomach .
5 Item No 2 : this is an Elagabalus denarius which depicts the Emperor standing at a sacrificial altar .
6 Right now to read er we first call upon Labour er Bob to move the motion standing at the erm .
7 I told you I saw her in the mornings standing at the bus stop .
8 We saw three banks but Barclays left the others standing at the post .
9 The second man was seen by a witness standing at the entrance to Martlesham underpass at the A1214 roundabout at about 11.30 am on Thursday , February 11 .
10 Imagine , if you will , a beaver standing at the base of Hoover Dam , saying ‘ Well , it was my idea ’ .
11 This picture shows a couple standing at a bar .
12 Dustin introduced Livings to his business manager , the London boxing promoter Jarvis Astaire , ‘ who took me into his offices , ’ recalled Livings , ‘ and en passant introduced me to a chap standing at a window ledge in a corridor , typing : ‘ This is one of our writers ’ , says he .
13 Maybe if I 'd been able to do some kind of planche , like your painter friend did on your … back , it would have been easy , but what I had to do was first try to get something akin to an erection standing at the copier of a deserted office on a holiday .
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