Example sentences of "[art] [noun] appears to [be] " in BNC.

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1 A small portion of the remainder appears to be falling onto an extraordinarily dense cluster of stars at the Galaxy 's nucleus , which may contain a massive black hole .
2 ‘ There are some cases where the link appears to be quite close .
3 The change appears to be a genuine evolutionary development that has taken place with unusual rapidity .
4 If in some of these instances the writer appears to be trying to get more out of a rendering than a rendering will reasonably yield , the reason may be that in Horace 's line there is a fortuitous convergence , a hovering ambivalence , of two possible constructions : , " the celestial losses of the moon " , i.e. the moon 's waning , and , " swift — i.e. quickly returning — moons " .
5 The tide appears to be turning , albeit slowly .
6 ( a ) At this stage , the technique appears to be a front kick
7 But the production of such crops in the field appears to be some years away .
8 The hypothesis appears to be that we have inherited from our animal ancestors the habit of discrimination , but have added an additional criterion , namely the conscious calculation of relatedness , to the criteria of propinquity , and perhaps physical and biochemical similarity , used by animals .
9 The first ground for the decision appears to be derived from the contract of booking .
10 All the writing on the cartridge appears to be in Taiwanese .
11 The jaw appears to be wider than long .
12 The jaw appears to be as wide as long .
13 There are several spine-like papillae at the apex of the jaw , distal to these papillae the jaw appears to be covered by irregularly spaced oral papillae which are smaller and more rounded than those at the apex .
14 The jaw appears to be depressed just distal to the apex .
15 One section untouched in 1991 by the recession appears to be the playing fraternity .
16 The chapter appears to be based on the famous nursery rhyme about Tweedledum and Tweedledee for at the end the brothers fight over the rattle and also the crow appears .
17 The theft appears to be unprecedented and gives scrumping a whole new meaning .
18 The future appears to be shrouded in mystery and uncertainty .
19 Although some extra money has been allocated to help with the Government programme , the economists say that , generally , the intention appears to be that the initiatives to meet targets will be funded out of existing resources .
20 The violence appears to been started by an offensive against the UDF by Zulu warlords which began in the early hours of Saturday morning .
21 ‘ Dr Latimer , I hope you 'll agree that your presence on the 614 so close to the time of the crime appears to be something of a coincidence ? ’
22 ‘ I sort of get the impression that these little boats , the sail boats , they 're in trouble , because the wind appears to be blowing away from the harbour , so if they 're trying to get in , they 're not going to make it . ’
23 As no order will have been made in respect of the property at this stage , the defendant appears to be free to dispose of it before the order can be made and thus defeat the object of making the order .
24 ‘ We have been approached by residents with a petition and the opposition appears to be unanimous . ’
25 It seems likely that type-1 astrocytes are a major source of PDGF in the developing rat optic nerve , as the number of oligodendrocyte precursor cells in the nerve appears to be limited by the amount of PDGF present , and the number of these precursor cells plateaus at P14 , just when the number of type-1 astrocytes plateaus .
26 There is apparently no technical difficulty here since the practice appears to be to deposit the Bill as assented to in the House of Lords library , with a copy going to the Public Records Office .
27 The target of ciprofloxacin and the other quinolones within the cell appears to be the prokaryotic enzyme , deoxyribonucleic acid ( DNA ) gyrase , an essential enzyme that catalyses chromosomal DNA supercoiling .
28 Having read a few of your articles I tried sighting the neck by looking down from the headstock end ( as you frequently suggest ) and the neck appears to be very curved , almost banana shaped !
29 The engine appears to be in good order having recently had an upper cylinder overhaul and new valves and has a very modest oil consumption .
30 hamatum , has a cohabitant species of staphylinid beetle , but in this case the ant appears to be immune to its guest 's fungal disease .
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