Example sentences of "[art] [noun] unless it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Evaluation such as that carried out in Example F is likely to misrepresent what has been achieved in the teaching unless it takes into account pupils ' initial performances and the relative difficulty of what they are learning .
2 Clearly there would be little point in reviewing the experience unless it helped you to reach some conclusions .
3 At a press conference to mark his election victory a year ago , Mr Bush threatened to veto the budget unless it contained real cuts .
4 At one point during the debate the National Religious Party ( Mafdal ) , a member of the Likud-led coalition , threatened to vote against the budget unless it received additional " special allocations " .
5 Jordan 's hope of containing the PLO challenge lay in Washington 's decision in 1975 not to recognize the PLO unless it accepted the legitimacy of Israel and Security Council Resolution 242 .
6 With the Tories certain to vote against such higher taxes , Labour would be defeated on the issue unless it gained power with an overall majority .
7 ( c ) Presumption of no order The court can not make an order under the Act unless it considers that this would be better for the child than making no order at all ( s1(5) ) .
8 Agricultural produce and game are excluded from liability under the Act unless it has undergone an ‘ industrial process ’ giving it ‘ essential characteristics . ’
9 Following this decree , a meeting of representatives of 130 opposition parties said that they would not participate in the conference unless it had sovereign powers .
10 He concluded that the liquidators ought not to make the transcript available to the SFO unless it undertook not to use the statements in the transcript in any prosecution against Mr Naviede ( otherwise than in accordance with s 2(8) ) , and that it would not pass the transcript on to any other authority without first securing a corresponding undertaking .
11 This will not be the case , however , if the non-UK office deals only with customers outside the UK , or executes transactions only outside the UK for a customer in the UK unless it gives advice to the customer .
12 Let's face it , we 're quite selfish in the fact that we want to ensure that the area that we live in is safe for us and not too concerned that three or four estates down the road unless it starts to affect us .
13 Other examples of rules which may not be congruent with the requirements of fiduciary law are SIB Core Rule 2 , which states that where a firm has a material interest it must not knowingly act for the customer unless it takes steps to ensure his " fair treatment " ( this may not be sufficient under fiduciary law ) , and SIB Core Rule 25 which in conjunction with SFA Conduct of Business Rule 5 — 36(2) permits " front running " .
14 This series of squares is disquieting as it heads for the horizon unless it allows for the curvature of the Earth .
15 If the Commission considers the Regulation does apply , it must nevertheless clear the merger unless it has ‘ serious doubts ’ about the merger 's compatibility with the Common Market .
16 We have to admit that happiness has no integrity unless it has burst through the clouds of sorrow .
17 As far as I 'm concerned , a Tarot card is of no use unless it fits one of those hole-in-the-wall banks , preferably on somebody else 's account .
18 The obvious reply to this argument is that we need a reason to accept a decision reached behind this veil of ignorance , and the claim that no decision would be reached behind a differently constructed veil of ignorance is not such a reason unless it has already been shown , as it has not in fact , that we are bound by the results of some veil of ignorance , whatever it may be .
19 Christianity will deny that it condones selfishness , but it serves no purpose to promise something which can have no appeal unless it satisfies a desire , and then in another context to label that appeal the product of a baser instinct .
20 A local authority would be expected to offer these services before seeking an order unless it had clear evidence that the parents would be unwilling or incapable of making use of them .
21 The court must therefore be satisfied that the order will positively contribute to the child 's welfare and must not make an order unless it considers that doing so would be better for the child than making no order at all .
22 This is because s1(5) of the Children Act precludes the court from making an order unless it considers that this would be better for the child than making no order at all .
23 The court will not make an order unless it considers it just and equitable to do so having regard , in particular , to the number of shareholders who have been traced but who have not accepted the offer .
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