Example sentences of "[art] [noun] had be put " in BNC.

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1 Sefton Council prosecutor Robin Thomaides told South Sefton court : ‘ The signs had been put up without planning permission and were clearly visible to passing motorists . ’
2 These were a mixed lot , for the University had been put together by stages since its original foundation in the late reign of George the Fourth .
3 I would not be at all surprised if the story had been put out by Goreng or his superiors .
4 Now the piece had been put into a polythene bag and given a label pending its despatch for forensic examination .
5 Apparently the school dessert had n't been too popular with the children : the remains of the custard had been put out in a bin , and this had attracted that great opportunist , the starling .
6 And if the work had been put out to tender , savings to the council might have been £5m , the report found .
7 By then , the girl had been put into the temporary care of foster parents by Wirral Council .
8 She had marched indignantly out when the proposal had been put to her and the matter had remained unresolved ever since .
9 Whether the pups had been put there in the hope they would be cared for , or just dumped , is not exactly known .
10 The business had been put on the market in early 1990 , but remained unsold because of the housing slump .
11 All this gave strong grounds for believing that the body had been put into the sea near the house on stilts about the time of high water on Friday night .
12 He also described a call he had made later to his friend Hartmut Mayer of the BKA asking him if he knew how the bomb had been put aboard Flight 103 .
13 The trestles had been put up and were covered with white tablecloths of American oilcloth .
14 The original bothy had now become a long low front room , with settees and coffee tables , and the beds had been put in the annexe .
15 The darkness was so complete that Pliny compared it with a sealed room in which the lamp had been put out .
16 I realized then that the lamp had been put behind me so that it would light her entrance ; and it was an entrance to take the breath away .
17 When asked how it was done , Ruysch simply said that the corpse had been put in cold water for a day or so , the aorta and venae cavae were then opened , the blood cleared out and the whole put in hot water for four to six hours ; for the injection he had used suet or tallow in the winter , and added wax , turpentine and resin in summer .
18 They said he answered some of their questions sarcastically and spoke in Russian , even though he is bilingual and the questions had been put to him in Moldavian .
19 This had not been intended to be legalistic , but in practice the claimant had been put in the position of an ordinary plaintiff in a civil case arguing a case against a powerful insurance company or mutual insurance society ( Potter and Stansfield , 1950 ) .
20 He could see men coming away now , too , from where the ships had been put : the first job , and the heaviest he had shared with his father .
21 No food had got through and the men had been put on half-rations .
22 The voters had been put under ‘ enormous pressure ’ by politicians , the media and the business community , and they would regret yielding to their advice .
23 And he asked them what it was the Myrcans had been put on the earth to do , and they laughed .
24 The female had been put in her place , her legs made to tremble .
25 The main potato store had been found by some of the humans , which was perhaps why the poison had been put down .
26 The scheme had been put forward by the Selborne Association pressure group who acknowledge , however , that it does have drawbacks .
27 The idea had been put forward as early as the end of the Second World War , when E. M. W. Tillyard had advocated a new relief university for Oxford and Cambridge at Stamford .
28 On Nov. 10 a police statement said that " all sensitive install-ations " in the country had been put under 24-hour guard .
29 And finally , only a year or so later , turned them out of house and home — put them on the street , as women who failed to be properly grateful to the fathers had been put for centuries .
30 Nationalisation was not new to France — the railways had been put into State ownership in 1937 — but support for economic planning had grown during the war as a way towards national renewal , greater investment and improved working conditions , and also as a way to punish businessmen who had collaborated with the Nazis .
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