Example sentences of "[art] [noun] around [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Pc Masheder said , ‘ I felt the tightness around my throat becoming even tighter .
2 lifts the serrations around my border .
3 She turned on her side and pulled the blanket around her neck .
4 He pulled the blanket around his back and hooked the frayed patch over the nail so that the light from the window would not be spotted if the door was opened .
5 ‘ It had crossed my mind — the sores around her nose .
6 Joe toyed absently with the rail around its edge as they talked .
7 He knew a little about plants and animals , and he enjoyed walking through the woods around his house and looking at the birds and flowers there .
8 I tried to pull his nose and he relaxed the tightening around my neck .
9 Then , of a sudden , he nodded to himself firmly — and the look around his mouth was almost as arrogant as that of the late Theodore Kemp , who at some time , at some point , had recently been manoeuvred into these selfsame murky , swollen waters .
10 Dwayne rolls the syllables around his mouth , weighing this old man up anew .
11 Fierce Eyes was whirling the lure around his head .
12 The skin around his neck is loose and his waist is thicker than it has ever been .
13 Check the skin around your swimsuit — if there 's a red line , you 've definitely had enough sun .
14 On the other hand , it was obvious from the shadows like sooty thumbprints beneath his eyes and the tension around his mouth that he desperately needed some sleep .
15 The woman sniffed back her tears , and drew the shawl around her body , which was heavy and useful like a sack of potatoes .
16 Her father maybe , with the tape around his neck , awful sleeveen Sean Walsh , who never said a word without thinking carefully of the possible effect it might have .
17 The head can be identified as that of Hercules from the club around his neck , but it is a very unusual representation of Hercules : the absence of a beard , the diadem , the upturned eye and the hairstyle are all derived from that of the great conqueror Alexander the Great ( compare fig. 14 ) .
18 He spent several weeks calling on the homes around his church to discover the needs of the community and the inhibitions which kept them from church attendance ( Schuller 1974:81 ) .
19 She lay in a huge , curtained bed and felt the ice around her heart begin to melt , her mind begin to function again .
20 Isabel felt the barriers around her heart shake .
21 Mewanwhile Police are starting a fingertip search of the gardens around his shop .
22 Now repeat the exercise around your department .
23 The apothecary waved at the shelves around his room full of little phials and casks .
24 As Isay said , I think he wants to see the mountains around his homeland once again .
25 With the threat of relegation looming again , the loss of the ground , and the millstone around my neck of a team of asthmatic pine martens with the collective brain power of a kiwi fruit , the pressures on me are building to a frightening pitch .
26 Bee-killing digger wasps find their way home by memorizing the landmarks around their burrow entrance .
27 He wound the bandage around her ankle , making sure it was firmly supportive but not constrictive .
28 Kate 's face went as white as the towel around her head .
29 The fullness around her forehead balanced her square chin and the waterfall of glossy brown hair softened her angular bones and made her look younger than usual .
30 Second , the axial spin rate of the Earth 4600 Ma ago can be estimated using the principle of conservation of angular momentum by giving the Earth all the present angular momentum of the Moon plus the orbital angular momentum of the Earth and the Moon around their centre of mass : the Earth spins nowhere near fast enough to have spun off lunar material and no very plausible means have been suggested whereby the Earth-Moon system could since have lost the necessarily copious amount of angular momentum .
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