Example sentences of "[art] [noun] have become [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I was aware needless to say that the prince had become infatuated with you .
2 The Prince had become older and wiser since his previous attacks .
3 In many areas of social policy , local authorities have been given permission to provide a service , then , when the need for the service has been clearly demonstrated and resources for it are more widely available , the provision has become mandatory .
4 Over the last five summers the Amarilis has become one of our favourites which is no surprise as it 's ideally located , less the five minutes walk from the nightlife and 170 metres from the beach .
5 The careers of other scholars of the period who reached the highest mevleviyets likewise suggest that by this time teaching on at least two levels of medreses beyond the Sahn had become customary , the top level being composed of the Suleymaniye medreses and the later imperial medreses , such as those of Selim II and Murad III .
6 The common law doctrine of frustration applies only where the main purpose of the contract has become impossible to achieve , Herne Bay Steam Boat Co. v. Hutton ( 1903 C.A. ) .
7 The election had become necessary after the all-party government of Xenofon Zolotas , formed after the previous inconclusive election , collapsed in March over disagreements on how to tackle the country 's worsening economic problems .
8 The buyer has become insolvent .
9 Years before , a wooden handrail , polished by generations of hands , had lined the high pavement , but the town council had decided that it served no useful purpose and detracted from the charm of the stone-walled cottages perched high on the bank above , and when the handrail had become shaky with age it had been dismantled , much to the annoyance of the Thrush Green residents .
10 Commercial interests were quick to recognize the scale of popular interest in the outdoors , but whilst the outdoors had become integral to everyday life in Britain by the Second World War , it continued to represent in some of its expressions a relatively uncommercialized leisure culture .
11 The experience had become pure music , each note torturous yet unbearably sweet .
12 In the last years of his reign a tendency towards the creation of specialized departments within the ministry had become visible .
13 The main focus of the council 's activities was to redevelop neighbourhood housing for market rent and to this end the EACC had become involved in commercial and residential development .
14 The driver had become suspicious because there were no other vehicles on the motorway .
15 And because he had a very happy turn of phrase , Ron , he said that the states had become federal aid junkies .
16 You know Nancy was saying say no , you know , but they were , the states had become fixed dependent , chemically and financially dependent er on the federal government and that must change says Ron .
17 ‘ This gallery had been closed because the roof had become dangerous .
18 The more the homeland has become aware of the cruelty and hardship of the winter struggle in the east , the more the longing for an end to it has increased .
19 The movies tackled society on the broadest front and refused to be confined to any one social zone but for all that one senses from the trade papers and social surveys that the industry had become preoccupied with its fashionable down-town audiences and that the super-cinemas were thought of as the social cutting edge of the trade .
20 To Ian 's suggestion that it must all be part of some exhibition Susan replies with the more plainly obvious answer — these things have not been made larger , the time-travellers have become smaller .
21 The confidence debate heard claims by Mr O'Malley that the coalition had become unworkable because of a lack of trust in the cabinet engineered by Mr Reynolds .
22 The zip had become stuck , his musical cue came and he had no alternative but to go back on stage , in a routine that included some big kicks .
23 Despite the talk in US government circles only three years ago , of synfuels being what would save the US from OPEC oil dependence , the programme has become unpopular and seems likely at the time of writing to become an offering to appease fears of further growth in the federal budget deficit .
24 The seat had become vacant as a result of the suicide of a senior offical of the ruling Zanu ( PF ) party who had been condemned by a commission of inquiry for profiting from a racket involving the unlawful resale of officially purchased vehicles .
25 The seat had become vacant upon the death on May 27 of Eric Heffer [ see p. 38200 ] , who had held the seat for Labour since 1964 [ see p. 38200 ] and had won 64.2 per cent of the vote at the 1987 election .
26 There had been several copyings out and rewritings over a number of years , and although the changes made are sometimes evidence of ideological revisionism ( the poet had become more conformist in his later years ) , what is remarkable is how much of the young man 's vision has been allowed to remain intact .
27 This means the cut has become infected .
28 Remember the order of training and try not to be tempted to have the horse ‘ on the bit ’ until the first stages are consolidated and the horse has become supple and balanced .
29 And when departed to Lewis , the equation had become critical : 35 minutes left , and an England lead of 18 .
30 The Revenue has become aware that some schemes have been registered which do not adequately observe the strict requirements of the legislation .
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