Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [pers pn] had all " in BNC.

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1 Diana seemed distressed , rushing around in a distracted way — oblivious , it seemed to me , of the work we had all put in for her brother 's wedding .
2 Suddenly , above the shouting , shots and noise of battle , the neighing of horses , creaking wheels and ringing harness , came the sound they had all been dreading : the thin , sharp crackle of ice giving way under strain .
3 They did not pause on her arrival , though Alix , ever polite , waved obliquely to welcome her back : watching them , it occurred to Liz that perhaps in all the years they had all known one another , this was one of the very few occasions on which they had all been in the same room .
4 So saying , disdainfully Lexandro left the scriptory and returned to his small cell to recite in private one of the liturgies they had all been taught .
5 The letters they exchanged were formal , just words on a piece of paper ; the warmth they had all shared for so long was missing .
6 From the day they had all parted , diverging from Ecalpemos out into the world , he had never seen Adam again , but he knew all about him , knew for instance that he had become a partner in a company selling computers that called itself Verne-Smith-Duchini .
7 Only a few of her friends had been active in the Resistance , but it was clear that neither they nor anyone else much wanted to talk about the choices they had all had to make .
8 But along the way it had all got fouled up .
9 For a while they had all pretended , but it had been like walking on broken glass .
10 No doubt they had all felt this melting ecstasy .
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