Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [vb pp] for sale " in BNC.

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1 Farmers wishing to sell finished stock on the hoof contact the company 's field staff who video the animals intended for sale .
2 Meanwhile an intense marketing campaign will continue to interest overseas investors in the 18.5 per cent of the issue earmarked for sale abroad .
3 It will absorb some of the bills offered for sale by the discount houses , albeit at interest rates of its own choosing .
4 Above we looked at the affairs of only a single day ; and supposed the stocks offered for sale to be already in existence .
5 Tonson 's title-page said nothing of the sort ; only that the word-book offered for sale in 1693 was a new improved version .
6 Many of the species offered for sale for the aquarium fall into this category , for example , the colourful dendrodorid nudibranchs which feed exclusively on encrusting sponges .
7 The chances are , the ones offered for sale will be under the 10cm mark , usually around 5 or 6cm : , and you can expect to pay a tenner or more for this size .
8 He sees a car advertised for sale in a newspaper .
9 The sheets are reported to have turned up inside a frame offered for sale in a provincial Sunday flea market outside Paris .
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