Example sentences of "[prep] lack of information [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It may be recalled that Lanfranc 's doubt about the sanctity of Elphege arose from lack of information about the circumstances of his death .
2 Many commented on lack of information about the range of facilities on offer .
3 Isolation due to lack of information about other disabled artists could encourage an individual to develop their creativity no further than as a tool for assimilation into the dominant culture and access to their arts .
4 It was also expected to increase with light intensity as measured by the radiometer , though the relationship was not predicted , owing to lack of information about the behaviour of the optical RAM .
5 For lack of information about what is happening elsewhere in the world , people record ‘ screendiaries ’ or ‘ mimic minimemoirs ’ ( 7 ) on their ‘ chatterscreen[s] ’ ( 127 ) .
6 Not all early raids were successful and the plan to raid Bayonne failed through lack of information on beach conditions .
7 In addition to those caused by serial parts being bound ( discussed above ) , difficulties were created ( a ) by applications for serials or serial parts which consultation of the catalogues would have shown did not form part of the Library 's holdings , ( b ) by the Library 's non-receipt of ‘ current ’ serial parts ( sometimes up to two years after their nominal date of publication ) , and ( c ) by lack of information in the Issue Hall concerning the precise location of particular serial parts .
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