Example sentences of "[prep] saying [that] he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Styczynski had x-rays after saying that he had pains in his chest and pins and needles in his arms .
2 Hegel believed that a substance was exhausted by the sum of its predicates , which is another way of saying that he identified the categories of the German language with those of abstract thought , and those of abstract thought , in turn with those of Mind or Geist .
3 IN THE days when IBM was still the unchallenged ruler of the computer universe , Bill Gates , chairman and co-founder of Microsoft , was fond of saying that he wanted his firm to become the Big Blue of software .
4 When we squeeze the Devil out through the front door , we unwittingly let in all sorts of secular ideologies that masquerade as Christian ones ( which is just another way of saying that he comes in again through the back door ) .
5 In May 1964 , McAteer criticised his Nationalist colleague , Patrick Gormley MP , for saying that he had no qualms about rising for ‘ God Save the Queen ’ , or the loyal toast .
6 Sir Keith Joseph has recently gone on record as saying that he wished that examiners could be more objective in their assessment of what children know .
7 Toon had been quoted in July as saying that he had found no evidence to substantiate claims that US POWs were still being held in the former Soviet Union [ see p. 39031 ] .
8 The pagan contemporaries of Constantine were not wrong in saying that he had carried through a huge religious and social revolution .
9 Peter Lovesey , whose Victorian police procedural novels featuring Sergeant Cribb are fine examples of this branch of the art , has summed it up neatly in saying that he sees himself writing books that are " a counterpoise of teacups and terror " .
10 As a technology expert Vine-Lott takes no pleasure in saying that he warned that Taurus , the paperless sharedealing scheme that had to be abandoned earlier this year at a cost of hundreds of millions of pounds was never going to work the way it was being developed .
11 And he had tried to be helpful about the blotter , staring at it with almost painful intensity before saying that he thought that the black markings had n't been there when he had last seen the blotter on Monday evening .
12 To be sure , God 's Spirit is at work in the East and everywhere , but that is different from saying that he contributes to beliefs which deny the truth that he has inspired .
13 Beyond saying that he sees a world where aggression is deterred and disputes settled peacefully , Mr Bush has not offered a definition .
14 It goes without saying that he did not serve scrambled eggs with smoked haddock , he cooked the haddock first , flaked it , and mixed it with the beaten eggs before cooking them .
15 It went without saying that he did n't want to be seen , but it was worth the extra discomfort of hanging around for the extra information that he might pick up .
16 For people already inclined to be critical of Mr Bush , it is easy to leap from saying that he can not articulate a policy to saying that he does not have one , or that such policy as he has is flawed .
17 His last sentence is tantamount to saying that he includes Abdulkerim , perhaps rather against his own better judgement , only because the mentions the fact that he became Mufti .
18 A severe critic of the statutes of 1861 might respond to the question " Why did Alexander II free the serfs ? " by saying that he failed to do so .
19 Charles hedged by saying that he 'd never imagined the BEF would be at all like this .
20 With regard to the foundation on which his advocacy of the primacy was based , it can be summed up by saying that he thought it was an integral part of the rights of the church committed to his care , testified to by the living members of the community and the tradition which they inherited .
21 He wound up his reply to the delegation by saying that he had only put the £30,000 for the foundations into the estimates for the present session and would ask Scott for elevations in a different style .
22 Dr Gerard fought back , by saying that he had seen a letter from Warburton to the printer , complaining that one half of Scotland 's clergy were fanatics , and the other half were infidels , but Johnson still gainsaid him ; Warburton , he believed , wrote as he spoke — without thinking ; ‘ Sir , the very worst way of being intimate , is by scribbling . ’
23 Eliot weighed in by saying that he had great hopes of a young man — ‘ rather a spotty youth ’ — called Rayner Heppenstall .
24 ( He started the talk by saying that he had misled us , its true title was ‘ An Excuse for Vic Smith to Look at His Railway Slides Again ’ ! )
25 Prime Minister John Compton defended Fostin by saying that he had been subjected to unjustified attacks in the press over the poor state of the country 's roads .
26 The court admitted that it was giving an unusual meaning to the word , for a historian who described the end of Rizzio by saying that he met with a fatal accident in Holyrood Palace would fairly be charged with a misleading statement of fact .
27 In his budget speech Neville Chamberlain had justified a £10 increase in the tax allowance for second and subsequent children by saying that he saw a time not too far distant ‘ when countries of the British Empire will be crying out for more citizens of the right breed , and when we in this country shall not be able to supply the demand .
28 It was certainly a more honest confession than George Bush ever managed , and by saying that he has been forced into this decision by an expanding deficit which has gone ‘ beyond even the worst official government estimates from last year ’ , he is also confronting Americans with some central truths about their economic situation .
29 He began jocularly by saying that he rose to address them with some apprehension , reminded of a piece of graffiti he had seen on a Whitehall notice board which had read , ‘ I used to be indecisive … but now I 'm not so sure , , which brought a few chuckles from the floor .
30 Forty years ago , one of De Gaulle 's greatest admirers , the writer , Franois Mauriac , summed up typical French distrust after nearly a century of conflict by saying that he loved Germany so much that he was glad there were two of them .
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