Example sentences of "[prep] support [prep] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One does not get a sense of a strong need for support from parents to children to be reciprocated — certainly not in the short term , and possibly not in the long term either .
2 Abrams believed neighbouring to hang on a dilemma which those who live near to each other have between the need for support in times of crisis and the need for privacy .
3 ‘ There are means of support for women in your situation . ’
4 Wellington also contained the headquarters of New Zealand Railways , and its massive , confident air surmounted by rows of flag-poles represented an extraordinary reaffirmation of support for railways in New Zealand .
5 It is arguable that the Swedish policy of support for parents in the labour force , as well as similar measures in Eastern Europe , have put a brake on fertility decline and perhaps reversed it .
6 THE Foyle Civic Trust has sent a message of support to members of the Armagh Civic Trust after the town centre bomb attack destroyed historic buildings .
7 How have patterns of support between members of the same kin group changed in Britain over time , and especially over the past two centuries ?
8 Thanks to the two teachers from S.W. London who served tea on the 27th June under considerable difficulties — a temperamental urn and lack of support from others in their area .
9 On the other side , the spontaneous growth of a disability culture , in the absence of support from organisations of disabled people , can be regarded as a symptom of ordinary disabled people losing interest in the issues that an elite leadership regards as a priority .
10 ( A similar spread of support among states in the United States presidential elections may result in a president obtaining a majority in the electoral college without obtaining a majority of the popular vote . )
11 Nevertheless , until the end of his life Muldoon continued to command a significant degree of support among interventionists within the parliamentary caucus of the National Party , a factor which consistently served to undermine his leadership successors .
12 I liked Mike Mill 's letter In support of estuaries in the same issue .
13 In 1706 Gwynne blundered badly once more in permitting his name to be subscribed to a paper written by the philosopher Leibniz , in support of moves in England to invite over the Hanoverian heir presumptive to the throne , published in the form of an open Letter to Lord Stamford , the effect of which was to alienate both Queen Anne and the Electress Sophia .
14 It is for the councils to determine how they distribute funding , but the Bill gives the councils wide powers to be used in support of students with special education needs .
15 BGS 's approach to urban geochemistry is both flexible and multidisciplinary , and can be oriented both towards the solution of specific problems and to large-scale systematic surveys in support of programmes for urban improvement , industrial and urban renewal , and planning .
16 The approach developed by BGS is both flexible and multidisciplinary and can be oriented either towards the solution of specific problems or to large-scale systematic surveys in support of programmes for urban improvement , industrial and urban renewal and planning .
17 The two December marches by right-wing women were important public relations exercises in support of hardliners in the government .
18 The South African Law Commission would be asked to report on the protection of the rights of citizens , " as well as all collective units , associations , minorities and nations " , in a future constitution , by examining a variety of constitutional models ; this investigation would be used in support of negotiations on a new constitution [ see below ; see also p. 36915 for recommendations of Law Commission working paper of March 1989 ] .
19 Bush repeated on Oct. 24 the comparison of Iraqi President Saddam Hussain with Hitler and denounced the " rape of Kuwait " and Iraqi " crimes against humanity " , while at a rally on Oct. 30 ( campaigning in support of Republicans in the mid-term congressional elections on Nov. 6 ) he gave warnings of the possibility of a US military offensive , urging the US public to " stay together in support of our kids halfway around the world " .
20 Often subsidiaries are required to guarantee or give charges in support of borrowings by the parent company or other companies in the group .
21 In any event , in the court 's opinion , the submissions which counsel made in support of grounds of appeal 1 , 2 and 3 were misconceived .
22 The strike was in support of demands for better pay and conditions following unsuccessful negotiations with TCL .
23 As unification approached many of the 4,250 prisoners in East German prisons rioted or went on rooftop protests or hunger strike in support of demands for a general amnesty on Oct. 3 .
24 Kim Dae Jung , head of the main opposition Party for Peace and Democracy ( PPD ) , began a hunger strike on Oct. 8 in support of demands for greater social and economic justice , the implementation of local autonomy measures , the dissolution of the DSC and the abandonment of plans to transform the current presidential political system into Cabinet government .
25 Postal workers in the eastern Länder , whose salaries were 60 per cent lower than their western counterparts , went on strike on Jan. 24 in support of demands for a one-off payment equivalent to a 13th month 's salary to compensate for increased living costs .
26 Oil and petroleum workers threatened industrial action in support of demands for a 310 per cent salary adjustment , for an end to plans to privatize the state oil company PETROBRAS , and the reinstatement of 800 colleagues dismissed in government cutbacks .
27 Students at the University of Conakry were on strike for most of November 1990 in support of demands for increases in their grants and for improvements in the quality of teaching and of library and other facilities .
28 April and May 1991 saw a series of rallies across the country organized by Civic Alliance in support of demands for the resignation of Iliescu and the government , and on May 16 there was a protest strike by 800,000 Romanian farm and food industry workers in support of demands for higher wages .
29 April and May 1991 saw a series of rallies across the country organized by Civic Alliance in support of demands for the resignation of Iliescu and the government , and on May 16 there was a protest strike by 800,000 Romanian farm and food industry workers in support of demands for higher wages .
30 In June 1991 thousands of women went on a one-day strike in support of demands for equal pay and treatment in employment [ see p. 38299 ] .
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