Example sentences of "[prep] looking [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Later , after looking at the rest of the house , they returned to Edouard 's study on the first floor .
2 Next morning Sophie set off for Seabourne , and , after looking in the pet shop window , she went inside and strolled around .
3 She heard him fumbling about looking for the lamp switch and then he found it .
4 Next time a stranger tries to stop you in the street , perhaps you should think twice about looking at the pavement and brushing past .
5 well the , I think these people who concern themselves very much about dictating the do 's and do n't of fox hunting , if they were to spend a little more time about looking into the research of , how foxes actually live .
6 It is difficult to understand how the Government can claim to be concerned about looking after the welfare of citizens when there has been a fourfold increase in the incidence of food poisoning in the past 10 years .
7 The long-lived alien 's point of view is the right one for looking at the plausibility of a theory like Cairns-Smith 's or the primeval-soup theory .
8 This strategy is particularly interesting in that it implies an awareness of a lack in the Oxfordshire scheme , which provides neither guidance on strategies for looking at the curriculum nor criteria for judging its appropriateness and adequacy , but merely requires teachers to do it .
9 Instead , Robson settles for looking at the League table .
10 We may not all want to be ‘ artists ’ , producing and performing work , but arts events can provide another accessible route for looking at the world in relation to disabled people .
11 Our agreement would propose a royalty of 2% of our receipts on each written component for the use of the syllabus of Project English and for looking over the Activity Book and Video Guide manuscripts .
12 Thanks for looking after the cab for me .
13 The Bank of England is responsible for looking after the government 's finances .
14 However , in the majority of households , responsibility for looking after the family and home goes hand-in-hand with money management .
15 But the executive is responsible for looking after the safety of 6 million more workers .
16 After a new client was ushered onto the market by the AE , the SAE would then assume responsibility for looking after the client 's market positions , and for obtaining future business .
17 Thanks also to all the other organizations that helped , the Vale of White Horse District Council who allowed us to use their land , the National Rivers Authority for the use of the river , Thames Water for the use of their island and for generous sponsorship , an extra special thanks to Roger Steer , the lock keeper , for much help , kindness and understanding and to his wife for providing a seemingly endless supply of ice-cream , to Jim Croft of Slalom Sports for unfailing help and loan of computer hardware and to our local Scouts for looking after the campsite and for organizing effective first-aid cover .
18 With staff who are expert in many fields — from woodland , farmland and river management to socio-economics and interpreting the countryside to visitors — the RSPB can give valuable , practical and commonsense advice to those who have a responsibility for looking after the countryside .
19 Over the centuries , the Superintendents who 've been responsible for looking after the garden , have each played a major part in it 's growth and development .
20 It 's not worth looking on the box for the news because it 's , they 'll be nothing new .
21 Before getting to grips with the corporatism as such , it is worth looking at the idea of the local state .
22 then it 's worth looking at the idea .
23 It is worth looking at the way the Soviet leader 's behaviour changed in the course of the crisis .
24 ‘ But would it perhaps just be worth looking at the petrol gauge ? ’
25 It is , however , worth looking at the parent fish when spawning is completed to check that they have not been damaged .
26 Given the purposive approach to construction now adopted by the courts in order to give effect to the true intentions of the legislature , the fine distinctions between looking for the mischief and looking for the intention in using words to provide the remedy are technical and inappropriate .
27 Throughout the Ottoman world , centuries of arbitrary and frequently oppressive rule reinforced age-old peasant tendencies towards looking to the clan as the mainstay of life and regarding everybody outside with suspicion and hostility .
28 ‘ I sat on the train and could see other commuters walking past looking at the man in horror .
29 This was placed on the kitchen floor , illiberally filled with water , and Wendy and I had to choose between going in together or one after the other while , we strongly suspected , Mr Sugden enjoyed a ‘ what-the-butler-saw ’ entertainment of looking through the keyhole .
30 Notice how the first step of looking through the window is less threatening than the second one of opening the door .
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