Example sentences of "[prep] making [noun] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It calculates this by class of business on the basis of a separate carry-forward of deferred acquisition expenses after making allowance for investment income .
2 They suggest that in previous eras BBC Scotland got what was in essence a block grant from London in respect of costs of making programmes for Scotland .
3 This generally took place at Easter preceded by confession , often in public , in which the social duty of making restitution for sin was stressed ; it might be succeeded by a parish party which played out at its own level the eternal being of love celebrated in the Mass .
4 Another failure in terms of making money for investors .
5 Knowing my shortcomings , Mum had taken charge of making curtains for George 's house and a week before the wedding she went to the market to find some fabric for the last pair .
6 Once , observing a spider spinning its web , the god devised the art of making mesh for fishing nets .
7 Judges are therefore constantly involved in the process of making recommendations for improvement in the law and this includes not only technical legal subjects but also those on the boundaries of law and politics , like conspiracy .
8 The least-successful machine-tool manufacturers were preoccupied with quality assurance and service — in effect , with making amends for shortfalls in their products .
9 This applies equally to members of module review groups and to those involved in making proposals for additions to the Catalogue .
10 In making drills for practice , you first of all have to decide what the problem is and then design a drill to overcome it .
11 Some of these companies also specialise in making tapes for syndication to local radio and with a strong topical theme this kind of approach can achieve a good deal of coverage without taking up too much of an executive 's time .
12 Administration grants will also be introduced towards the costs incurred by sponsoring organisations in making arrangements for exhibitors .
13 Not surprisingly he told the critic William Gaunt , ‘ I find illustrator 's drawing that is descriptive drawing very different from making drawings for paintings .
14 The US military were already spending vast sums on making tritium for warheads and the reactors that were used for this process had been closed , pending repairs , in 1988 as a result of nervousness about reactor safety following the Chernobyl accident .
15 If you are a basic rate taxpayer , the money you receive will be yours in its entirety and you will not have to worry about making deductions for tax .
16 Desperately remote though it seems , this forest has in its time been much worked , beech wood having been prized for making oars for ships and sent off in great quantities to the coast .
17 The Hungarian émigré Alexander Korda gained a foothold in British production by making Service for Ladies ( 1932 , Reserved for Ladies in US ) and five other pictures for Paramount .
18 I recouped the payment by making garment for friends and some of the girls in the office .
19 Recent legislation , on employment protection by making provision for disclosure of information and advance consultation on redundancy , and on health and safety by bringing the subject into the sphere of joint regulation , is advanced as the basis for this declaration : ‘ It can be argued indeed that the basis for a legislative framework designed to encourage industrial democracy at shop floor level already exists ’ .
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