Example sentences of "[prep] about [adj] [unc] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 Between them , the Quakers and the Christian Council looked after about twenty per cent of those who came over on the Kindertransporte .
2 This represents an elastic strain or interatomic separation of about 1.0 per cent , perhaps between a tenth and a twentieth of the theoretical strength .
3 The fitting of 7.50 x 16 tyres in place of 600 x 16 gives an increase of about 11 per cent to the gearing .
4 Someone with the £10,000 maximum , assuming average luck , can expect to collect a prize in 11 out of the 12 monthly draws each year — a return of about 6.5 per cent .
5 The cuts , of about 8 per cent , are on BT 's digital private circuits and come into effect on 1 January 1990 .
6 This compares with an overall average of about 8 per cent for the London Road End as a whole .
7 The UK 's growth of total exports showed the slowest growth of any of 19 Industrial Market Economies for much of the last 25 years ( World Bank , 1989 ) ; however , through the mid 1980s the decline of the UK 's share of world trade was arrested at the level of about 8 per cent .
8 Later this year , however , there should be a new run at energies up to 43 GeV ; this should give a difference in asymmetry of about 3.5 per cent , which if there will be observable .
9 But the trust 's average discount to net asset value , at 18-20 per cent , is significantly ahead of its the peer group 's average of about 32 per cent .
10 For all vehicles , including heavy goods lorries , the types of emissions covered by catalysts are expected to fall by 2006 to a minimum of about 70 per cent of 1989 's output .
11 In recent months , however , with Quebec suffering badly from the effects of Canada 's economic recession , opinion polls had recorded a decline in support for secession among Quebeckers , from the peak of about 70 per cent to between 50 and 60 per cent .
12 Government economists predicted that the economy would experience a slight dampening in overall performance during fiscal 1989 ( partly due to the imposition of the 3 per cent GCT ) and forecast a GDP growth rate of about 4.5 per cent .
13 Slower growth in wages would produce a cut of about 4 per cent in real terms .
14 The knacker industry has reported falls in throughput of about 45 per cent on cattle and 95 per cent on sheep .
15 Introducing the broad outlines of an economic programme marking a new direction for Brazil , Haddad said on Dec. 31 that the fight against inflation , currently running at an annualized rate of about 1,500 per cent , took second place to plans to improve living standards by doubling and possibly quadrupling the minimum wage and creating 4,000,000 new jobs over the next two years through selective economic development .
16 Preliminary results indicated a turnout of about 58 per cent , of whom 69.2 per cent voted in favour and 25.6 per cent against .
17 By the end of the reign total land revenue came to about £100,000 , a rise of nearly 25 per cent , compared with a price rise of about 75 per cent .
18 Like all unit trusts , you pay start-up fees of around five per cent , and annual management fees of about 1.5 per cent .
19 We already have an inflation rate of about five per cent and it is projected to go higher yet this year .
20 And finally , again we 've already talked about the elderly er age groups , there was a growth in the sixty plus age group of about five per cent .
21 The new company , which will be called Chiron , will have 1500 employees , although a reduction of about 10 per cent of the workforce is expected early in 1992 .
22 Experiments to test QCD give results with an error of about 10 per cent .
23 Ditton worked in the bakery over vacations for a few years and reckoned that each man had an illegal income of about 10 per cent of his bread sales , very little of which appeared as a loss in the firm 's financial records .
24 The prototype reproduces readings with an accuracy of about 10 per cent — on par with most petrol gauges .
25 Lead miners in the northern Pennines were earning 10s ( 50p ) a week by 1797 and 11s 6d ( 57½p ) by 1815 , whereas before the war they had been earning 7s 6d ( 37½p ) ; a money-wage increase of around 50 per cent over the war years seems indicated , implying a real-wage fall of about 10 per cent .
26 As for resources , the hon. Lady will know that we spent about £3 billion on the health service in Scotland last year , which is more than £600 per head for every man , woman and child in the country and represents an increase of about 38 per cent .
27 The Liberal Democrats were averaging just under 19 per cent — a fall of about four per cent on the level of the Liberal-SDP Alliance in 1987 .
28 Further , there has been a decline of about 72 per cent .
29 I am sure it was the pressure from the warrior class and the impending general election that led to a final figure of 63,500 , which is a cut of about 17 per cent .
30 Recent opinion polls show Mr Mulroney 's support hovering at 17 per cent , while the opposition Liberals have a comfortable lead with the backing of about 46 per cent of Canadians .
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