Example sentences of "[prep] least [pron] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 This way , at least one has the best possible chance of survival .
2 Yeah , exactly cos at least they know the culture
3 At least they chose the lesser of two evils , but even so Tank managed to create havoc .
4 At least they did n't stand there looking stupid : at least they had the decency to look shocked and horrified .
5 But at least they had the car and , forcing one of the Germans to drive , they set off along the coast road towards Mersa Brega .
6 At least they had the plane crash in North Africa this year . ’
7 The Bolshevik reputation stood high , and rightly so , for at least they acknowledged the question and officially embraced national independence .
8 At least we know the time of the murder , ’ said Sergeant Bird practically .
9 At least we reached the summit before the weather slipped across the glen from Ben Lawers to get at us , and we thrilled to the views south and west , with the seductive moss-green hills still sporting small patches of snow .
10 As it is there are thousands of girls like me , and at least we have the comfort of knowing that he belonged to no one , and can belong to no one .
11 In superficial conversation , on the surface at least we accept the image that the other person presents .
12 But at least he had the advantage of being able to cut across country .
13 At least he had the consolation of ending a five-game goal drought with a header in the 16th minute .
14 If Smart 's hyperactivity and conviviality were already causing comment — and the mention of Bedlam suggests a degree of exaggeration in these tendencies — at least he had the protection of his College and his friends while he remained in Cambridge .
15 He was putting a bold face on it but I suspect he 's taking the parting quite badly — at least he had the grace to phone your sister 's home last night to confirm that she 'd arrived safely . ’
16 At least he had the grace to look shame-faced .
17 At least he had the decency to tell me himself I hope he is as successful a manager as he was a player . ’
18 At least he got the order right !
19 It was cruel that he had to die so soon after all he had suffered ; it would have been more cruel if he had died alone , in the dark , knowing that rescue was at hand ; at least he knew the relief of the rescue and died in the comfort of his own bed .
20 Or at least he has the potential to do so .
21 ‘ Well , at least he did the right thing in coming here , ’ Gina allowed .
22 Since , because of the right hon. Gentleman 's policies , the building societies stand to lose £1 billion because of mortgage repossessions and since local authorities are having to spend £500 million on bed-and-breakfast and temporary accommodation , does not the Prime Minister think that the rescue mortgage scheme that we have promoted would be the effective way to ensure not only the relief of misery for scores of thousands of families , but that at least he did the honourable thing by his victims ?
23 At least she had the sense not to do her grovelling and pleading in front of other people .
24 At least she had the satisfaction of a long marriage to a devoted husband .
25 And at least she had the home and the kid .
26 At least she had the villa to herself to be miserable in .
27 She had never been able to equal her sister 's matchless beauty , she knew , but at least she presented the world with a fair imitation of it .
28 Years later this lady of character was to write a rather moving piece entitled ‘ The Love Song of T. S. Eliot ’ secretary ( Confrontation , Long Island University , Winter 1975 ) ; and from what Eliot said once , though half-jocularly , when he and his wife and I were having a meal together , there was more than one secretary who could have composed such a Love Song , or at least who had the necessarily incentive or excuse , I vaguely recall the lady as of ample build and very cheerful , so she was able to put good face on her sad plight .
29 You know , hardly get a go-round in the in the Dictionary of Quotations but at least you got the person there which is right , but in actual fact , how I might have treated that and I might what might have grabbed me a little bit more would have been the story which I would be looking for , I 'd be looking for my journalist to turn that into and therefore you might as well try and do it for us , because journalists like , like count on your labour , as I
30 They gon na think you 're a terrible idiot but at least you get the tapes done !
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