Example sentences of "[prep] order [prep] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Rose represented forcibly the necessity she felt of suffering this continual martyrdom in order to be conformable to her divine spouse .
2 It may have been necessary for Jesus to have eaten a few fishes in order to survive in first-century Palestine , but it is not now necessary to feast on the bodies of dead animals in order to be healthy .
3 ‘ You are what you eat ’ is a favourite maxim , and eating the right things is important in order to be healthy at every stage of life .
4 In order to be good , type two ( the large-scale empirical approach ) has to be guided by theoretical perspectives produced by type one , otherwise it can become ‘ mindless fact gathering ’ with little structure , purpose or links between the parts .
5 In early sixteenth-century London it was customary for the most pious lay people to rush from church to church in order to be present at as many elevations of the host as possible in a single day .
6 The emotions that are stirred by a human sacrifice will be useful to us , in order to be certain we have enough power for the Wete Mo Nan Dlo .
7 In order to be certain that the Blox would have peace , quiet and privacy when they needed it , we arranged with Sunsail to charter two bareboat Oceanis 320s , and to take them from Göcek , Sunsail 's base in Fethiye Bay , south and east towards the wild and lovely Kekova Roads .
8 She slept , with something of her old determination , in order to be awake when he came ; and often she wanted to talk : about Bruges ; about the past ; about all the foolish exploits that had made Claes the apprentice notorious — the jokes with the gun and the waterwheel ; the chases , the skating ; the escapade with the ostrich .
9 In order to be legal a lease must also be for a term of years absolute , according to s. 1(1) ( b ) , Law of Property Act 1925 .
10 In that trial the author was defended on the grounds that he had to transgress moral respectability in order to be moral at a deeper , more authentic level dictated by personal conscience .
11 Our treatment in this chapter will try to be as informal as possible in order to be comprehensible .
12 Ryan raises one of the questions the movie will have to answer in order to be successful : whether or not creativity gives you a licence to search and destroy .
13 Another way of approaching organisational design is to ask questions about the functions which management in organisations need to perform in order to be successful .
14 However , in order to be successful in the long term , you need to learn how to change your eating habits permanently , to suit your own body .
15 The framework may be simple with its emphasis on market share and the experience curve , but it is a model with a logical basis related to what is needed in order to be successful .
16 The analysts will have to adhere to the cultural norms of the organisation in order to be successful with their database project .
17 The effective teacher needs to give thought to the abilities pupils will require in order to be successful historians themselves .
18 Thirdly , Globex must be accepted by non-US futures industry regulators in order to be successful , and Japanese involvement will be a key factor in the system 's success .
19 The quota is the smallest number of votes the candidate has to get in order to be sure of getting a seat .
20 In order to be sure that our data would be as reliable as possible a decision was made to report only on those countries from which we had received at least three questionnaires among which there was a high level of agreement .
21 If I actually follow you down the street in order to be sure that you do n't throw it away or forget to post it , for instance , then I at one and the same time become certain that you 've posted it and display a lack of faith that you will do so .
22 A government needs to retain the confidence of the House from year to year in order to be sure of this authorisation .
23 The important judicial dignities in Edinburgh attracted a great deal of competitive interest , and men watched the health of the incumbents closely in order to be sure to be first to ask for the vacant place in the event of a death .
24 It can be quite difficult , however , to arrange to film next year 's ice cream commercial this August , in order to be sure of sunshine and leaves on the trees , because decisions on products to be advertised might not be taken until the end of the current season .
25 They even demanded that I take a Wassermann test in order to be sure that I was n't suffering from syphilis .
26 The history of the royal succession shows time and again that a prince had to prove himself in order to be sure of inheriting a kingdom , and the process of building up a following and prestige was likely to cause some conflict .
27 For instance , someone who expresses her opinion of a friend 's appearance very vaguely may be suspected of doing so in order to be polite ( saving others ' face is a common motive for vagueness , untruthfulness and withholding information ) .
28 It is curious that in modern works on insects , the different stages are often shown in different illustrations , in order to be clearer , to give less systematic hostages to fortune , and to use colour only where it is necessary .
29 It is the haven , therefore , for the bacteria that perform the decomposition process — they need air , and we can say that , in order to be fertile and support our roses , the soil has to contain organic matter , moisture , air and bacteria .
30 In order to be fruitful , competition must be open , rather than closed ; or , rather , must be perceived by the participants to be open , rather than closed .
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