Example sentences of "[prep] her [subord] though it " in BNC.

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1 Instantly , she thrust it from her as though it were the plague .
2 The Comédie Française did not impress her either , for it seemed to her a collection of posturing gabbling shadows , mocking at plays that she had studied in tranquillity and silence : the celebrated mirrors of Versailles were all spotty , Notre-Dame looked at her as though it had two spires missing from on top , and the famous intellectual cafés were full of old men and tourists .
3 He looked at her as though it was she who had made the unusual suggestion .
4 It walked sideways on its perch and hunched its shoulders , looking slyly up at her as though it could tell a tale or two , if it chose .
5 Jake was looking at her as though it was the first time he had really seen her .
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