Example sentences of "[prep] its approach to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We will consider DVI further below in 3.23 but it is helpful to review here the basis of its approach to data compression .
2 World Wildlife Fund Italia has broader interests than most WWF groups ; it is more radical in its approach to problems .
3 The new Air Quality Management Plan is the most comprehensive of its kind : not perhaps in its approach to tree conservation — the paper it is written on stacks three feet high — but in its determination to force producers and consumers to stop passing on their muck by law .
4 During November former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher had repeatedly called for a referendum before the UK agreed to join moves to introduce a single currency , and the debate further highlighted the divisions within the Conservative Party in its approach to Europe , although Thatcher after the summit reportedly professed herself to be impressed by Major 's performance there .
5 We are pleased to state that since the appearance of the first edition of this book the Court of Appeal has at last seen sense in its approach to construction in cases involving general medical practitioners : see Clarke v Newland [ 1991 ] 1 All ER 397 .
6 Cousins believes the SSD must form good relationships with carers and the private sector in its approach to community care .
7 In its approach to world religions , school RE may be able to be truly pioneering , blazing a trail whereby seemingly very different and rival groupings can meet with respect and even love .
8 The crash happened when the PIA Airbus A300 crashed into the mountainside on its approach to Kathmandu Airport on Monday September 28 .
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