Example sentences of "[prep] be [adv] affected by " in BNC.

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1 True , but in some cases that did not amount to all that much , and while inter-war legislation obviously provided the experience for the post-war Planning Acts which followed , the development of statutory land-use control took place at a time when particular environmental changes seemed to be little affected by formal planning powers .
2 Joseph seemed to be curiously affected by the game .
3 The remainder are bound to be increasingly affected by the absence from the shelves of a considerable number of titles .
4 Which of our firms or sectors are likely to be most affected by 1992 ?
5 Women have been disadvantaged in the past in terms of the range of occupations undertaken and are liable to be particularly affected by future changes .
6 It is first necessary to recognize that some financial assets are closer substitutes for money than other financial assets , and so are the more likely to be immediately affected by a change in the money supply .
7 In any situation where someone has died , it may be assumed that more people are likely to be significantly affected by the death of that one individual than may seem apparent .
8 The importance of affirmation With regard to football it perhaps does not matter very much — people who like playing it or watching it are not likely to be seriously affected by our negative comments ; they will just think that we are stupid and go on playing and watching as before .
9 This provision allows for a unilateral decision of suspension by a State that does not claim to be specially affected by the breach where it feels the consequences of the breach undermines the entire Convention .
10 Or is it more likely to be so affected by nationalism and the historical preferences of its peoples that it will remain a heterogeneous collection of individual markets linked together in a loose customs union ?
11 Curran points out that a rough woodland canopy is likely to be more affected by variations in the solar angle than is a smoother grassland canopy .
12 All this is consistent with the absence of any effect of oil work in urban areas ( table II ) : rural post code sectors already supporting many construction workers ( and Highlands Region has one of the highest levels of such workers in Britain ) would be expected to be less affected by oil work than similar areas without such earlier ‘ exposure ’ ( that is , those in which the recent impact score was high ) .
13 The outcome of the entire war is unlikely to be materially affected by what he , as an individual , does .
14 Since the ‘ Keynesian ’ sees no reason to expect money incomes to be directly affected by the increase in the money supply , we can assume that the transactions and precautionary demands remain unchanged at first .
15 We chose to investigate in the first place the speech of those who are not very likely to be directly affected by mainstream norms , and whose speech is of the type that had been least explored by descriptive linguists — the urban working class .
16 The European Legislation Committee has begun to seek and to publish written evidence from specialist bodies likely to be directly affected by Commission proposals .
17 When the inquiry is set up , a number of witnesses — bodies liable to be directly affected by the measure proposed or individuals having particular expertise in the subject-matter will be invited to submit written evidence .
18 The regulations then stipulate that before a report is submitted to the Secretary of State the inspector conducting the investigation shall inform everyone whose reputation is , in the inspector 's opinion , likely to be adversely affected by the report , inviting them to make representations , i.e. to argue any point or signify any disagreement with his conclusions .
19 It claimed that some teachers in the primary school had allowed performance in the basic skills of reading , writing and arithmetic to be adversely affected by their inadequate understanding and hence uncritical application of child-centred , or informal , methods .
20 Sri Lanka 's economy continued to be adversely affected by the violence afflicting the country , preventing growth and investment and diverting resources away from vital sectors .
21 If the mind is so conceived that its relation to the world can only be a causal one , then to perceive something must be to be causally affected by it .
22 Further , the expression of a α4β1 binding site in the cellular form and its deletion in plasma fibronectin and the involvement of fibronectin in blood clotting as well as secretion and synthesis of fibronectin have all been reported to be differentially affected by alternative splicing ( 27,41 ) .
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