Example sentences of "[prep] a longer [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Gone are the days when you were likely to be alone on the rim path , but if the five miles escarpment is included as part of a longer circuit of the vast moorland , walkers seeking solitude will find their fair share — and a good test of their navigation skills .
2 In October Swinderby appeared and handed in another defence of a longer set of opinions ; on these he was adjudged heretical , but he managed to escape from custody .
3 Here it forms part of a longer account of man 's history from his creation , as in Genesis .
4 An awareness of a longer span of time also comes with motherhood , a sense of being connected to both past and future through a succession of births .
5 Should we dump everything down onto a long-term storage medium and select at the end of a longer period of time with the benefit of historical hindsight , say after 25 years ?
6 However , many clients were supported by the scheme , and it is only through comparison with the control sample that one can determine whether or not the project was successful in sustaining them at home for a longer period of time than would have been the case without it .
7 A behavioural response is strengthened when it has an increased probability of occurring ( frequency ) or when it is likely to be performed for a longer period of time ( duration ) .
8 Although these children were potentially a lot more intelligent than the rest of society , they still feared something and this is what suppressed them for a longer period of time .
9 For example , if you wish your ‘ commanding ’ child to wait patiently until a more convenient time for her demands to be met , you could reinforce ( reward ) her for waiting for ( say ) ten seconds , subsequently you would reinforce her for waiting for a longer interval of time , gradually increasing the interval each time you ask her to wait .
10 The teacher 's relation with a child is much more intense and long-lasting than for a teacher of a normal child , since they will be together in close contact during a longer period of growth .
11 For many freshwater hobbyists , invertebrates are a whole new departure ; we know little about many species , but one with a longer history of captive care is the Apple Snail .
12 Patients with ARF of 10 or less days duration had a lower median ( interquartile range [ IQR ] ) carbamylated haemoglobin concentration than those with a longer duration of ARF ( 29 [ 27–35 ] vs 72 [ 60–83 ] g VH/g Hb ; p<0.01 ) .
13 Disinfectant — Buckets — Soap — Metal cups — tins — plates — Washing up liquid These are examples from a longer list of practical items .
14 It sets developments in a longer context of negotiations and bargaining between levels of government .
15 It means you have to keep club staff there for a lot longer , till about 6.30 , and that people spend their money over a longer period of time .
16 An additional incentive is that a garden , in contrast to its associated historic building , does not always need substantial sums for major fabric repairs at the outset and can be revived over a longer period of time .
17 Complex carbohydrates on the other hand , e.g. pasta , release energy over a longer period of time .
18 I think the question remains or that my doubts remain that there will be a level of there will that one can assume a level of commitments which would be it would be sensible to try and draw back from or phase over a longer period of time .
19 Also , employers are constantly employing new staff so the return on selection has to be calculated over a longer period of time to get a true picture of the effects of selection methods .
20 The team at Oxford 's cancer fund are now planning longer term research with other organisations world-wide to assess the effects of tamoxifen over a longer period of time to see if it can continue saving lives .
21 Staggered working hours would spread travelling times over a longer period of the day and in many cases allow more efficient use of factories , offices , schools and the equipment therein .
22 Better performance for one hemifield could be due either to a longer duration of icon , thus allowing more information to be encoded before the icon fades , or to a faster encoding rate , allowing more information to be encoded before the arrival of the masking stimulus .
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