Example sentences of "[prep] a balance of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Balance of payments equilibrium For most countries the achievement of a balance of payments equilibrium is desirable because the authorities can then apply their economic policies solely for domestic purposes .
2 Other leakages include : ( a ) the holding of excess reserves by banks — that is holding more than the minimum reserve requirement ; ( b ) an increase in the public 's desired cash holdings ; and ( c ) a net outflow of currency overseas as a result of a balance of payments deficit .
3 As the general secretary of the CISL put it , ‘ In the years 1965–66 , especially , a process of rationalization in the industries caused serious tensions to arise and was the cause of a new awareness of the problems of working life , this process having taken the form of a balance of forces highly unfavourable to the worker ’ ( Reggio , quoted Flanagan et al. , 1983 , p. 520 ) .
4 of a much more basic malaise and structural phenomenon , namely the inability of the marketable output ( largely industrial ) sector to grow as fast as productivity growth without the economy coming up against a balance of payments constraint , due to a high U.K. income elasticity of demand for imports , coupled with a much lower world income elasticity of demand for U.K exports .
5 While we have separate currencies a poor economic performance will show up as a balance of payments deficit — but with a single currency that warning signal would disappear , and a poor performance would show up by whole regions or countries becoming depressed and blighted areas afflicted with mass unemployment .
6 Their export adviser confirmed that there are now indications of growth in the Turkish economy , with a balance of payments in surplus for the firs time in several years .
7 The Birdfood Standards Association has , with the help of the BTO and the RSPB , agreed a series of birdseed mixes with a balance of ingredients which common garden birds will relish .
8 In the depths of recession , we are in a balance of payments deficit .
9 Less polar cases will depend upon a balance of forces .
10 Specifically , an expansion of demand would result in a reduction in unemployment but would also lead to a balance of payments deficit as imports increased .
11 This would lead to a balance of payments crisis and devaluation , coupled with domestic inflation as wages were bid up by employers ' demand for labour .
12 Where the proceedings are in respect of a statutory nuisance within s.92(1) ( c ) , it is a defence under s.94(4) to prove , on a balance of probabilities , ( the burden being on the defendant ) that the accumulation or deposit was necessary for the effectual carrying on of a business or manufacture , was not kept longer than necessary , and that best practicable means were used to prevent them from being prejudicial to health or a nuisance .
13 But , doing the best I can , I have reached the conclusion that the delay , on a balance of probabilities , might be prejudicial .
14 But , doing the best I can , I have reached the conclusion that the delay , on a balance of probabilities , might be prejudicial .
15 The onus lies on the plaintiff , if the dispute goes to trial , to prove the case on a balance of probabilities .
16 This clearly places the burden of proof upon the defendant , to establish his innocence on a balance of probabilities .
17 But in certain circumstances , the defendant may exculpate himself from liability either by raising doubts as to whether he had such an intention or awareness , or by establishing on a balance of probabilities the defence that he lacked mens rea .
18 This would seem to cast a burden of proof upon the defendant to establish , on a balance of probabilities , that he comes within the scope of the section , which is in any event couched in very restricted terms .
19 He must prove the facts on a balance of probabilities .
20 The location of rural settlements depends on a balance of considerations , ultimately on the nature of the rural economy and the system of land tenure .
21 But the expansion was pulled up sharply by a balance of payments crisis .
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