Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun pl] instead [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Lord clearly despises the practice of reaching for the stars instead of turning to him .
2 At the same time it received a B.2 trolley mast , hoops over the end of the upper deck , folding platform steps and slatted gates between the bogies instead of the wire cages .
3 Although such examination might improve the drafting of the rule books — and that would be ( procedurally ) beneficial — it could have the unfortunate and fundamental consequence of inducing tribunals to determine what is or is not a fair dismissal by reference to what has been agreed between the parties instead of by the yardstick laid down by Parliament .
4 " The student did not seem to know how to use the library ; he was mooning about the shelves instead of consulting the index . "
5 One engineer made the fatal mistake of putting Bluecol anti-freeze in the header tank of the toilets instead of the main engine fresh water header tank .
6 After the resignation of John St Luce as Finance Minister on Feb. 22 , the Prime Minister had taken on the Finance portfolio himself and presented the 1991 budget to Parliament on March 7 , giving only an outline of the proposals instead of a detailed budget speech .
7 It will then combine the resulting findings to examine how in using the various techniques the interaction can be directed into one of the options instead of the other .
8 The dealers want the tax office to recognise an appraisal loss of the paintings instead of valuing the paintings at the price paid for them , just as , under Japanese law , losses in stocks and securities are recognised if there is a great difference between the acquisition price and the current price at the end of the fiscal year .
9 And it may be that the Gardener Centre has a broader community function than previously realized , in that it might be a marvellous place for families and kids and mums and dads , as they did on the recent Gardener Open Day , to come up and spend some time in casual appreciation of the arts instead of what , traditionally , a university campus is supposed to do , which is a serious and intensive look at experimental and avant garde work .
10 He was , to her amazement , remarkably patient with her efforts , and she found she was actually enjoying the lesson , relishing the challenge of making her body work with the skis instead of against them .
11 Walking to the shops instead of taking the car or bus , or walking up the stairs instead of using the lift are comparatively painless ways of working towards greater things .
12 ‘ I 'd like to go under the machines instead of you . ’
13 Ergonomically , the layout is hard to fault but the space allocated for the otherwise clear and attractive instrumentation seems to have shrunk — it would have been far better to have the computer readout under the dials instead of the heater controls — and we question the need for such extravagantly styled air vents .
14 In effect , the building 's frequency is lowered or ‘ detuned ’ below the earthquake 's , and the structure moves like a rigid body above the isolators instead of flexing .
15 But people get the effects more quickly from sniffing because the substances enter the blood-stream from the lungs instead of the stomach .
16 This meant that a large part of the lesson time was wasted getting on buses and to and from the slopes instead of learning to ski and also a lot of walking around in boots and carrying skis .
17 This worked very well , but in 1988 people were pushing in from the sides instead of joining the queues , and tempers were becoming frayed and the situation somewhat dangerous as people trampled over the numerous electricity cables and water pipes .
18 sand in the bags instead of sharp sand .
19 I 'd have seen it if I 'd been coming down the stairs instead of in the lift .
20 When a pilot activates his reversers , he also pours on the power to create reverse thrust , to have the blast from the jet engine going forward over the wings instead of backwards .
21 You must remember that , when we were gon na go , we were gon na over the fences instead of going round the close .
22 We could hang it over the stairs instead of that fish .
23 punctuation that is allowed to fall outside the margins instead of staying within the measure of the text .
24 She says we 'll get some old bikes so we can bike to the baths instead of walking .
25 Walking to the shops instead of taking the car or bus , or walking up the stairs instead of using the lift are comparatively painless ways of working towards greater things .
26 You can now start venturing away from your measured route and start looking for additional ways to clock up the extra miles — try walking to the shops instead of driving ; try parking the car further away from work and walking the rest of the way ; or getting off the bus or train one or two stops from your destination and walking the rest of the way .
27 As a result you can end up with a file bordering on the megabytes instead of a few tens of kilobytes .
28 He was given a questionable standing count in the second of three thrilling rounds , but he spent too much time battling rather than boxing and too much time on the ropes instead of using his footwork .
29 ‘ Document A. That the man , who was belligerent on several occasions at first , threatening the social worker called in by the Visitor , said it was no business of theirs as it was a family matter and that the girl 's father , his own brother , had given his consent , and what more could you want , and there was no higher authority than that , and no wonder there was so much crime on the streets if the government took away the father 's power , and why did n't they do something about crime on the streets instead of invading people 's homes .
30 The final audit of the accounts found only £45,220 of stock on the premises instead of the £570,680 declared .
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