Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun sg] this week " in BNC.

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1 And I do n't think if you 've got it out of the Guilds and say now we 've got to have so much for the rent this week I do n't think I would have a Guild very long , because they can go round the corner .
2 Mr Westmancoat gave a ‘ no comment ’ when contacted about the issue this week .
3 Sandy must be having company , pulled the blind down I think that 's why they 've been good about the parking this week , cos I mean Irene 's pulled her car , we saw Irene pull her car in was you here when she I saw her get in it , it must of been teatime yesterday
4 Although I have to say that the implication in two eight three that Labour is flirting with workfare is misplaced , we 've said some harsh things about the Party this week , but there is no possibility that I know of of the Labour Party supporting any form of workfare whatsoever .
5 Aside from a Royal wedding that is — Princess Anne 's marriage pushed Princess Stephanie 's family shots off the cover this week .
6 And weep , once more , for Steffi Graf who was hot off the baseline this week with a whingeing moan about her physique .
7 He is due to get a comprehensive view of the country this week , from watching marines train in California and visiting the 82nd Airborne Division in North Carolina , to a touch of military tourism on the site of the Civil War battlefield at Gettysburg .
8 THE East Region 's top professional golfers will gather at Braintree golf club for the first Order of Merit event of the year this week .
9 But ministerial aides said it was better to get the increase out of the way this week , rather than have it happen during the conference .
10 THE letters page of the Guardian this week has resembled a wailing wall for the Left .
11 Music for wasted afternoons that 's nowhere near the bottom of the pile this week .
12 The English papers have n't arrived in this part of the world this week .
13 BUILDING societies were called to an emergency meeting by the Department of the Environment this week in an attempt to defuse the growing crisis , over contaminated concrete blocks which is threatening to make unmortgageable up to 40 per cent of the housing stock in Cornwall and parts of Devon .
14 The uncertainty surrounding the future of London 's specialty care services continues despite the publication this week of 6 reviews by working groups set up by the London Implementation Group after publication of the UK Department of Health 's response to the Tomlinson report on London 's health services .
15 THE PROPOSED international merger between Deloitte Haskins & Sells and Touche Ross is likely to be holed below the waterline this week when the French arm of Deloitte pulls out of the agreement .
16 AFTER his recordbreaking show with the bat last week , Mike Ness did it again with the ball this week in the Cheshire Cricket Association .
17 The three SNP MPs who voted with the Government this week , and by so doing exerted pressure for increased Scottish representation on the proposed European committee of the regions , acted correctly and in accord with that principle .
18 A FORMER British Aerospace executive hopes to hold talks with the company this week to keep alive a British bid for the 125 business jet .
19 TAKE a step back into the past this week and indulge in a feast of Northern Ireland 's cultural and historical heritage as part of European Heritage Day .
20 Two of our friends here are tempted to despair , for their son 's farm on the border is in an area where the terrorists are increasingly active ; the tobacco price is dropping ; and their son , along with most of his neighbours , has to go into the army this week , leaving his farm unprotected .
21 I 've put one of them back into the sale this week .
22 • After serving 18 months in the wilderness as punishment for running Michael Heseltine 's leadership challenge , East Hampshire MP Michael Mates was welcomed in from the cold this week when he was given a ministerial post by the Prime Minister .
23 Two hundred pensioners in Edinburgh are being taught safety skills at classes in the capital this week .
24 The result was a bitter blow for Slough who take part in the European Clubs Championship next weekend , and their coach , Ian Jennings , admitted that the team would have to sort out several elements in the defence this week .
25 Clearly , on the evidence of Hood 's letters of defence in the press this week , they support him , not because of what he says , but because of what he is — from , and still part of , a traditional working-class background .
26 An ICM poll in The Guardian this week showed Labour and the Tories picking up three percentage points , while the smaller parties fell yet further behind .
27 In the return this week of another new series , you 'll find actor David Daker playing a famous side-kick called Harry Crawford .
28 The evidence of Javed 's cheating fully vindicates England batsman Allan Lamb , who courageously blew the whistle on Pakistan 's ball-gouging tactics in the Mirror this week .
29 Anyway they had a , a special coupon in the Campaign this week and I said to Di I said phone this number I said and put our washing machine in , I said they 're not taking no notice .
30 Indeed , one of the most disgraceful things that we have seen in the Chamber this week was the Maastricht agreement which , in terms of social policy , means that the opportunity to do so much to support the family , children and working mothers has been lost .
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