Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun sg] of deaths " in BNC.

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1 For both diseases women outside the screening programme account for the majority of deaths .
2 NEONATAL MORTALITY RATE — measures the chance of death during the first month of life ; it is calculated as the number of deaths under 28 days of age ( or under one month ) during a specified time period per 1,000 live births that occurred in the same period .
3 Death rates were also calculated as the number of deaths per recorded discharge ( case mortality or fatal spell ratio ) .
4 The UK government is concerned about the number of deaths caused by careless driving while unfit because of excessive alcohol consumption , and a recent White Paper , The Road User and the Law , recommends among other things , that this offence should carry obligatory disqualification from driving for at least 2 years , an unlimited fine and a maximum penalty of 5 years ' imprisonment ( Lowry , 1989 ) .
5 McKenna , recognising the species specific nature of the sudden infant death syndrome and the relatively narrow time range of the majority of deaths , drew attention to both the relatively long period of physical dependence of the human infant and the ways in which caring practices vary with historical and cultural contexts .
6 Fourteen per cent of the sample of deaths occurred in such homes ; this compares with a much lower proportion , 5 per cent in 1969 ( Cartwright et al . ,
7 All the data published on the effect of gill-nets on small cetaceans probably represents a conservative estimate of the number of deaths .
8 Estimates of the number of deaths among men caused each year by alcohol abuse range from 8,000 to 25,000
9 The undetermined category includes those deaths referred to by Bray , thereby giving rise to an underestimate of the number of deaths attributed to suicide , but the total number of deaths is unaffected .
10 Er not because of the number of deaths is going to vary sig very significantly as Mrs said , we we are allowing it to improve over time gradually .
11 Delivering 40,000 ice cubes to the minister , representing the extra number of people who die each winter compared with the number of deaths during the summer , the Campaign for Cold Weather Credits hopes to draw attention to the plight of the poor and the elderly .
12 Some of the documentaries screening are A PLACE OF RAGE , a portrait of two inspirational African-American women Angela Davies and June Jordan , and MYSTERIES OF JULY an elegaic investigation into the issue of deaths at the hands of the police .
13 2.3 In the case of deaths occurring before 1 January 1983 , damages recoverable under the 1934 Act include damages for pain and suffering and loss sustained by the deceased before his death , damages for loss of expectation of life , damages for loss of future earnings during the " lost years " and funeral expenses .
14 2.4 In the case of deaths occurring on or after 1 January 1983 the right to damages for loss of expectation of life is abolished by s1 of the Administration of Justice Act 1982 .
15 It follows that damages recoverable by the estate under the 1934 Act in the case of deaths occurring on or after that date are limited to financial loss suffered before his death , to damages for pain and suffering sustained by the deceased before his death and to funeral expenses .
16 Even in the short time since the introduction of seat belt legislation in January 1983 in the UK , there has been a demonstrable reduction ( of approximately 25% ) in the number of deaths and serious injuries ( e.g. internal chest injuries and fractured skull ) among front seat car occupants .
17 EVERYONE who has played a part in the remarkable reduction in the number of deaths due to drink-driving deserves to be congratulated .
18 Differences in the rate of deaths from heart disease were also small .
19 This paradox has prompted research on the potential contribution of varying infant care practices to the prevention of deaths from this syndrome .
20 In West Cumbria virtually all patients admitted with acute severe ( and thus potentially fatal ) asthmatic attacks are not receiving adequate regular supervision or continuity of care , and perhaps this is the clue to such a strategy being fundamental to the prevention of deaths from asthma .
21 This may be partly explained by the large study population needed to show even a modest advantage ; the statistical power of the study being proportional to the number of deaths within the population .
22 In 1854 , Dr John Snow and William Farr assembled demographic statistics on the distribution of deaths from the new vital registration system to demonstrate beyond doubt , and contrary to received opinion , that the disease was water-borne and came from specific sources ( Lewes 1983 ) .
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