Example sentences of "[prep] the council [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On Aug. 23 seven of the 12 political organizations which had initially supported Pascal-Trouillot 's appointment declared their support for the Council of State and demanded the postponement of the elections until such time as the safety of voters could be guaranteed .
2 A spokeswoman for the Council of Mortgage Lenders said : ‘ Some lenders are imposing bans on all concrete buildings , but once the new test is operational there will be no need for such caution . ’
3 A spokeswoman for the Council of Mortgage Lenders said that building societies and other mortgage lenders had supported money advice centres either directly or through the Money Advice Trust .
4 I enclose a donation for The Council for Music in Hospitals .
5 As the Council for Science and Society Report ( 1981 ) concludes :
6 As the Council for Science and Technology ( CST ) , one of its aims will be to ensure that the Government draws on outside advice when deciding its research spending .
7 There is certainly a paucity of information on the ethical issues that arise between author and editor , but groups such as the Council of Biology Editors have produced important texts on this topic .
8 Again , the Leader of the Opposition seemed not to grasp the fact that , in article 118B , the social chapter provided for circumstances in which , if European businesses and trade unions agreed , they could take Europe-wide action through the Council without reference to the European Parliament , let alone this one .
9 The Forward Look backed up by the Technology Foresight Programme , under the overall direction of the Council for Science and Technology , can provide a firm base on which to built an effective national science and technology policy .
10 And that video can be obtained from Tavistock Church , in Tavistock Place it costs twelve pound fifty , with one pound fifty postage erm , but I think that it has been recommended to us and a number of the provinces have asked for copies to be made available and then maybe there are some churches within our provence that might like to have that video so that they can draw the attention of their churches to the work of the Council for World Mission .
11 He is governor of the National Institute of Economic and Social Research and a member of the Council for Industry $ Higher Education .
12 The Chancellor had shortened his stay in Bangkok , where he was attending a meeting of the International Monetary Fund , to open the conference , and speakers included Patrick Coldstream , the Director of the Council for Industry and Higher Education , Tim Eggar , one of the Department of Education and Science Ministers , Sir Michael Angus , the Vice-Chancellor and Dr Celia Russo from the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chausées .
13 Is my hon. Friend aware that while Derbyshire county council 's policies have led to the redundancies of hundreds of teachers recently , and while Derbyshire is the only county in England to have fewer policemen than 10 years ago , none the less the county council 's job creation priorities have managed to find no fewer than three posts at £40,000 per annum for former Labour councillors and Members of Parliament , the council leader has fitted himself up with a job at an annual equivalent salary of £40,000 , the leader of the Derbyshire Labour party — one David Skinner — has been given a job as a minder to Japanese business men despite being kicked out of the council for corruption 15 years ago , and his wife has been given a job at £23,000 per annum in the council 's bloated publicity department ?
14 A decision that a local authority should take proceedings for libel , if the action were available at law , would probably be made by the majority of councillors in defence of the reputation of the council with reference to conduct for which that majority might be responsible ; and the proceedings would be conducted at the expense of the local taxpayers .
15 It will be able to negotiate directly with the Council on proposed amendments rather than going through the Commission and , in the last resort , it will be able to reject the agreed position of the Council on legislation , although it is unlikely to do so often .
16 Having received from Lord Jauncey of Tullichettle advice that the dismissal was valid , the Lord President of the Council on behalf of Her Majesty dismissed the petition .
17 They were sufficiently impressed by his abilities to request in 1829 that he be relieved of his military duties and appointed president of the council of government on the Gold Coast .
18 As head of the Council of Government the Minister of State exercises executive power under the monarch , while legislative authority resides with the National Council elected every five years by universal adult suffrage , most recently in January 1988 [ see p. 36161 ] .
19 As head of the Council of Government the Minister of State exercises executive power under the Prince , while legislative authority resides with the 18-member National Council , elected every five years by universal suffrage .
20 It was founded in 1928 as " Joint Examination Board " , for initially it consisted of representatives of the Council for the Spiritual Care of the Deaf and Dumb and of the Council of Church Missioners of the Deaf .
21 Ignatius of Loyal er or er , more properly known to me in church history was the scourge of the wrath of the , of the council of reformation and inside of consumism but I think regards some years ago in on Ignatius spirituality of bibles which I 'm delighted to see John has mentioned in his prologue for the er for his introduction to Holywell the the the association 's there came to discover who Saint Ignatius er , helping to sort of tap greater spiritual depths and er resources and consequently trained as spiritual director er in Ignatian things .
22 People who came to listen to her included Colonel William Sydenham [ q.v. ] of the council of state and Thomas Allen , later lord mayor of London .
23 He became a member of the council of state from 1649 to 1651 , and its president for a while , and entered the Rump Parliament as MP for King 's Lynn .
24 Under a new Constitution approved in a national referendum on Sept. 30 , 1987 [ see p. 35758 ] , ultimate authority now rests in theory with a 51-member National Assembly , elected for a five-year term ; executive authority rests with the President , elected by the National Assembly ( currently Ramsewak Shankar who , elected on Jan. 12 , 1988 , took office on Jan. 25 — see p. 35759 ) , as head of state , head of government , head of the armed forces , and Chair of the Council of State ( the successor of the Supreme Council ) and of the Security Council ( which was to assume all government functions in the event of " war , state of siege or exceptional circumstances to be determined by law " ) .
25 The composition of the Council of State was decided on Dec. 4 , 1987 [ see p. 35759 ] .
26 Pascal-Trouillot disregarded the growing clamour for her resignation and on Aug. 27 installed a new 13-member Cabinet without seeking either the advice or the consent of the Council of State .
27 Formally dismissed were Vandi Ka-on , member of the Council of State and Chairman of the Assembly 's legislative commission ; Ung Phan , Minister of Communications , Transport and Posts ; and Chheng Phon , Minister of Information and Culture and member of the Assembly 's legislative commission .
28 The postponement also reflected the intensifying conflict between President Ertha Pascal-Trouillot and the Council of State , a 19-member advisory body established in March 1990 when the interim government was formed , and followed the installation by her of a new 13-member Cabinet , on Aug. 27 , without seeking either the advice or consent of the Council of State .
29 Carlos Rafael Rodríguez Rodríguez , Vice-President of the Council of State and a politburo member , in an interview given to Radio Havana on Oct. 23 , denied rumours that Risquet and another prominent politburo member , Juan Almeida Bosque , had differences with President Fidel Castro .
30 The President of the Council of State is automatically head of government and C.-in-C. of the Armed Forces .
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