Example sentences of "[prep] almost [adj] per cent " in BNC.

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1 This represents a relief rate of almost 46 per cent on the contribution and the actual cost to the employer is nil because both salary and pension contributions can be offset against corporation tax .
2 The main reason for the better than expected results appeared to be a delay in expenditure by the regional governments but in the longer term he said that cuts in public expenditure had helped to reduce the budget deficit from a peak of almost 13 per cent of gross national product ( GNP ) in 1982 to 7.8 per cent in 1988 and 6.6 per cent in 1989 .
3 Inflation as measured by the retail price index was expected to drop from a year-on-year rate of almost 11 per cent in October 1990 to 5.8 per cent by May 1991 , but " core inflation [ was ] likely to fall less rapidly " .
4 It certainly permits a rise of almost 100 per cent in the structural funds , and should especially benefit the three most recent members of the EC .
5 The aspirin and paracetamol market was worth £148 million — a healthy increase of almost 10 per cent on 1990 , said the market research group Datamonitor .
6 Andrew Hugh Smith , ISE chairman , said : ‘ Turnover in UK equities has seen an increase of almost 50 per cent over the past year , alleviating some of the problems caused by the very low volumes after the market crash .
7 The county asked to borrow almost £46m for capital projects but had only been allowed to spend £11.64m on school buildings — a cut back of almost 50 per cent on last year 's spending .
8 Nevertheless , does the Minister agree that the number of defence jobs in the north-west has gone down from 23,000 in 1985-86 to only 12,000 in 1989-90 , a cut of almost 50 per cent .
9 Allowing for those to be transferred to the higher and further education funding councils , that is equivalent to a cut of almost 50 per cent .
10 In November 1990 , cuts of almost 50 per cent to the Polish army were announced , after which conscripts would serve for 12 months ( cut from 18 months ) , with some serving in the police force .
11 The major manufacture of the area , pottery , exhibits a wide variety of skills with corresponding wage levels , but skilled male potters seem to have enjoyed an unusually rapid wage increase from the late 1760s to the early 1790s , bringing a real-wage improvement of almost 50 per cent .
12 Careful analysis of the electoral results showed that the ALP 's narrow victory — its majority in the House of Representatives fell from 18 to eight and it suffered a negative swing of almost 2 per cent — had been achieved through skilful targeting of marginal constituencies and preference voters .
13 An initial success rate of 4 out of 18 patients is a rate of almost 25 per cent .
14 Overall , we forecast an increase in leisure spending of almost 15 per cent between now and 1995 .
15 When my hon. Friend meets the chairman of the East Cumbria authority , will he congratulate him warmly on the fact that having , since 1982-83 , secured a budget increase , after inflation , of almost 15 per cent .
16 The latest Confederation of British Industry economic forecast shows a decline in manufacturing investment in 1991 of almost 20 per cent .
17 Year-on-year figures released by the Japan Travel Bureau showed a growth of almost 20 per cent or 17 000 visitors in the past 12 months to the United Kingdom .
18 A fairly modest plan in England , announced in 1980 , had by 1989 been expanded to 25,000 new places , an increase , at a cost of £1,000 m. , of almost 60 per cent in total capacity by the mid-1990s .
19 The NLM candidate won with almost 70 per cent of the vote .
20 Following a first round of voting on April 26 in which no candidate won an absolute majority , Thomas Klestil , the Austrian People 's Party ( ÖVP ) candidate , was elected President with almost 57 per cent of the vote in a second round run-off on May 24 , with a majority in all nine Länder ( provinces ) , against Rudolf Streicher , 53 , the Social Democratic ( SPÖ ) Minister of Transport and Public Economy .
21 In an election for the leadership of the provincial Progressive Conservative Party ( PCP ) in Alberta on Dec. 5 , Ralph Klein won a decisive second ballot victory with almost 60 per cent of the vote .
22 Despite these house price rises , housing conditions in Manchester remained poor with almost 30 per cent lacking exclusive plumbing facilities .
23 Iliescu won the presidency with almost 86 per cent of the popular vote , and the NSF secured more than two-thirds of the parliamentary seats .
24 However , rather more was usually allocated to capital projects : at least 60 per cent expenditure was so defined , with almost 90 per cent going to capital schemes in some councils .
25 When Mr Rocard made that speech , the ecologists were being credited with almost 20 per cent of the vote .
26 In the hundred years before 1851 rural population grew by only about 0.5 per cent per annum , compared with almost 2 per cent in the towns ( Law 1967 ) , despite the heavier urban mortality .
27 She also cites evidence from school inspectors which says that in almost 40 per cent of primary schools parents were topping up the capitation allowance for books and equipment by more than 30 per cent .
28 A ready-made pudding is served in almost 50 per cent of British households .
29 When put to work on new patient data , the neural computer reached the same diagnosis as the consultant in almost 90 per cent of cases .
30 Between 1982/83 and 1986/87 , in government schools the success rate dropped from almost 80 per cent to 70 per cent ; in private and community schools from 40 to 30 per cent ; and in technical education from 60 to 55 per cent .
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