Example sentences of "[prep] means of [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Viewed in this way it is clear why the separation of rules governing the use of means of warfare from those on the initiation of conflict has proved increasingly difficult to maintain .
2 ‘ so far as is reasonably practicable as regards any place of work under the employer 's control , the maintenance of it in a condition that is safe and without risks to health and the provision and maintenance of means of access to and egress from it that are safe and without such risks . ’
3 Apart from this , all mineral workings , ancillary buildings depositing of waste and the construction of means of access to sites require planning permission .
4 A Public Health Acts Amendment Act in 1890 enabled every urban authority to introduce by-laws enforcing minimum standards of construction of sanitation and ventilation , etc. , for new housing and provision of means of access for refuse removal .
5 Since employment growth was relatively modest , the mass of means of production per worker more than doubled over the period .
6 Thus , paradoxical as it may seem , the rapid growth of means of production during the boom depended upon much scrapping of means of production .
7 We have already seen that both the quantity of means of production in use and the output produced by their operation grew enormously .
8 [ So ] … a considerable part of the means of consumption will not serve as means of production of labour power .
9 II can not be used as means of production in their natural material form .
10 Or to express it in more popular terms : let us assume that we had a complete proportionality in every branch of production , in the sense of their unilateral connection in one direction : from means of production to means of consumption …
11 This is a general provision and the person in control of premises may also have other duties under other enactments , for example with respect to means of escape in case of fire , and general fire precautions , and also with respect to public health .
12 The European headquarters are in Hemel Hempstead , Herts , and there is another office in Leeds , but Locus is aiming to broaden its European base by means of acquisitions on the continent : the first is expected by the end of this year .
13 A rectangular plaque from the Phaistos temple shows , in relief , four animal-headed figures in long robes with tasselled belts ; it was originally fixed to a curving surface , probably of wood , by means of nails at the four corners ( Figure 49 ) .
14 Other lizards , like the Tokay Gecko from tropical Asia , are nocturnal , largely insectivorous and able to walk upside down , even on glass , by means of feet with special pads on the toe tips .
15 Having achieved professional status by means of success in competitive examinations , they are likely to feel a sense of obligation to working-class pupils to equip them in a similar way .
16 Instead they dismantled the Poor Law from outside , by removing from it needy groups by means of legislation on issues such as old-age pensions and national health insurance .
17 It is not unusual for a researcher to ‘ trail ’ the main publication by means of articles in the learned journals .
18 If place is to be defined in terms of co-ordinates , the assumption that no particular can be in two places at once presupposes the ( logical ) possibility of a unique designation by means of co-ordinates of every single position in space , i.e. the possibility , in principle , of setting up an all-embracing co-ordinate system ; making it possible to differentiate unambiguously every point in space from any other from a given origin .
19 The landlord , being in the stronger bargaining position ( even in the commercial setting ) , may be able to impose onerous requirements upon the tenant by means of covenants in the lease .
20 Attempts were also made to evaluate the effects of the self-instructional orientation material , by means of observations of how students performed a series of tasks .
21 It illustrates the revived importance of the depicted or inserted object by means of works by Picasso , Schnabel , de Chirico , Magritte , Warhol and so on .
22 But erm and essentially , the difference is this , if I can illustrate it by means of reference to appendix four in er N Y two of o o of North Yorkshire .
23 The Convention provides for the taking of evidence or the performing of other judicial acts abroad , by means of Letters of Request or by the use of diplomats and consuls , of and commissioners .
24 Such efforts to engage with discourses on quality by means of notions like " taste " and " style " may be understood in terms of challenges issuing from the peripheries of the discipline , as well as beyond its boundaries , which called upon the leaders of English studies to provide an account of " literary quality " of at least equal force to those being generated outside the Review 's pages .
25 Whereas the majority of respondents from the six CCAB bodies favoured the principle of rationalisation by means of reduction of the number of bodies , 58 per cent of ICAS respondents did not .
26 ‘ To improve the machinery of civil justice in England and Wales by means of reforms in jurisdiction , procedure and court administration and in particular to reduce delay , cost and complexity . ’
27 The plaintiffs sought recovery of sums paid under such agreements by means of claims for restitution against the defendants , a Scottish local authority .
28 If , as we have been suggesting , the nature of data has much to do with the theoretical presuppositions which underlie their production , how can it be said that theories are tested by means of exposure to data ?
29 A hand , or Aldis , lamp for signalling in Morse code was found unsatisfactory ; a more efficient method was for tank to signal to tank , or to the supporting infantry , by means of discs of different colour .
30 A battery of stamps consisted usually of four wooden baulks placed vertically , riding in guides , each shod with heavy iron heads which were lifted alternately by means of cams on a revolving axle , acting upon lifters or tappets affixed to the sliding baulks , The stamps were raised and dropped about 12 inches , at a rate best able to cope with the material fed .
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