Example sentences of "[prep] be the only [adj] " in BNC.

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1 By September , the school would be in the awkward position of being the only selective school in Essex not to be GM and it would be one of very few secondary schools generally in north-east Essex not to have opted out , she said .
2 Bell also had the dubious achievement of being the only non-Royal at the meeting which announced the split of Prince Andrew and the Duchess of York .
3 Lake Mývatn has the privilege of being the only European breeding station for Barrow 's goldeneye , a duck of American origin , and in the River Laxa which flows from Mývatn to the sea , you are assured of seeing the beautiful Harlequin duck , another New World species which also has its only European outpost here .
4 Maxton was faced with the prospect of being the only remaining ILP Member if he did not withdraw his continued opposition to re-affiliation .
5 Snow leopards have the distinction of being the only true big cat of the mountains .
6 Venezuela too has serious debt problems which were largely caused by OPEC production cuts and falling prices but has the distinction of being the only Latin American country to reschedule its foreign debt without an IMF loan .
7 Just 19 months later it achieved the dubious distinction of being the only Royal Commission to be wound up without producing a report when it collapsed over internal differences as to the scope of its report and how it should proceed .
8 Perhaps it 's something to do with being the only civil department still with the power to send in a gunboat .
9 The magnificent lounge red leather arm chairs , chandeliers , beams , table lamps is named in memory of Bill Oxenham , a remarkable man who combined engine driving at Blackhall pit with being the only Tory councillor in Horden 's history .
10 The seat he climbed into was the only empty one in the car .
11 It must , however , be stressed from the outset that even among the most alienated fascism was far from being the only political response to the continued decline of Britain and the mounting economic problems after the first World War .
12 Clearly , of course , it was far from being the only political response to the war .
13 In September 1926 he settled for what appeared to be the only remaining solution : escapism .
14 But the burning of the sloop in the Bight was to be the only successful venture of the day on their side .
15 The Whigs had recovered somewhat by 1705 , giving the Tories a good run for their money , and they actually won the Election in 1708 , although this was to be the only General Election they were to win under Anne .
16 In showing capitalism and capitalist values to be the creation of a moment of history Marx negated the transcendental claim of capitalism to be the only possible natural system for civilized man , and in this way challenged the basic precepts of capitalism .
17 The construction of that generality does not pretend to be the only possible one — the same event could operate in all sorts of different ways in different series , temporalities , which would mean that , strictly speaking , it was no longer the same event , for it would have been dispersed in their different rarefactions .
18 That chimney turned out to be the only delicate part of the building and scaffolding had to be erected so that it could be rebuilt .
19 In fact , the mention of transverse flutes in Martin 's inventory seems to be the only such example for the Hotteterres .
20 In cases where , after considering all alternatives , serious and disinterested ecologists and the like say that culling the herbivores seems to be the only practical cure , is that legitimate or ought we to ban all killing ?
21 Er Ingleston seems to be the only feasible , er site , where the wi , could be a proposed er rapid rail transit system in operation .
22 Although that sort of thing is nominally catered for by most electrical equipment , using spike suppression and smoothing circuitry , I reckoned that this particular computer was not up to the job of coping with the dirty mains , and so an uninterruptible power source was thought to be the only feasible answer .
23 MCP claims to be the only UK-based company making gallium wafers from raw gallium and arsenic .
24 After all , they appear to be the only pure enthusiasts left in the sport .
25 Beta has a B8-type spectrum , and is about 100 times as luminous as the Sun ; it is often said to be the only naked-eye star which is greenish in colour , though I have never noted this either with or without optical aid , and to me Beta always looks white .
26 External courses are likely to continue to be the only viable way of meeting some needs in some circumstances and in the interests of promoting maximum effectiveness , further attention could very usefully be given to two areas in particular .
27 ‘ It is another failure of self-regulation and if this goes on , the manufacturer of whitewash for use by the JDS is going to be the only viable British industry left .
28 Quarrying and cement are boom industries in this part of the world — and now where farming used to be the only viable source of income , hundreds of people have found regular work , reveals Plain Tales from Northern Ireland : A Controlled Explosion ( BBC-2 , 8pm ) .
29 He said : ‘ This seems to be the only faint glimmer of light at the end of the railway tunnel .
30 It seemed to be the only real thing in the universe ; the temple , the city , the motorspeeder , all of these were illusions devised to distract her from the important issues , the real business of life .
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