Example sentences of "[prep] the form of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It is as though Lawrence was acknowledging that it is hard for human beings to say what they feel and that we often have to search for the form of words before we can find the words themselves .
2 Such variations not only confuse users about the forms of headings , but also make it difficult for a cataloguer inserting a new heading for local use to discern the principles which should be heeded to retain consistency of approach .
3 Wales notes that great care is needed in making claims about the universality of the forms of children 's pictorial representation .
4 These then are features of species or subdivisions of them , by geography or sex for example , leading to a consideration of the form of organisms , so that differences in morphological features may reflect different lifestyles in closely related species , which can coexist .
5 Section 8 of the 1985 Act deals with the forms of articles .
6 The main publication is the 1985 Standard Classification ( revised in 1988 ) , which is concerned primarily with the form of accounts rather than their content .
7 RSC Ord 38 , r2A deals with the form of statements .
8 They wore nephrite ear-drops and chest ornaments carved into the form of heitiki , grotesque human figures with eyes encircled by shell inlay ( Plate F ) .
9 It would be prepared to " flip " name-words and it would have access to useful cross-reference files derived from the forms of names and titles which people actually search for .
10 The first level , which discovers general trends in the forms of wings and beaks , is a case of statistical clustering .
11 An excellent study of the art of animal anatomy , ‘ Anatomy of Animals , Studies in the Forms of Mammals and Birds ’ , by Ernest E Thompson , should be able to help you .
12 An excellent study of the art of animal anatomy , ‘ Anatomy of Animals , Studies in the Forms of Mammals and Birds ’ , by Ernest E Thompson , should be able to help you .
13 On May 31 Saudi officials had denied the allegations , noting the importance of continued Saudi " brotherly Islamic and Arab support " to Sudan in the forms of loans and grants .
14 Evolution , which literally means unrolling , or development , is , for biologists , the process by which there has occurred a steady change in the form of organisms across generations .
15 Much of what follows is set therefore in the form of questions which need to be considered by all of us .
16 Since the SADS-L is normally used in a face-to-face interview situation these items are mostly in the form of questions and here the original wording was retained .
17 We discussed in Report 11 the way this can be taken to excess by those teachers who couch the majority of their utterances in the form of questions , even when statements or instructions are more appropriate , and how such questioning can then become further debased by being low-level or closed .
18 I have framed it largely in the form of questions .
19 Also interesting and worthwhile is Verve 's 17-track ‘ Swedish Schnapps Plus ’ release from late last year ( ) ; this is an album of Parker 's quintet recordings ( from 1949–51 ) , as with ‘ The Charlie Parker Story ’ , but with additional interest in the form of trumpeters Red Rodney and Kenny Dorham ( as well as Miles Davis ) and Kenny Clarke and Max Roach on drums .
20 On May 15 the Soviet Union agreed to provide an $80,000,000 loan in the form of materials for the construction of a 460-km railway link in Xinjiang Autonomous Region , according to a report which quoted local trade officials .
21 Such places always have a high status in the local settlement hierarchy and frequently occupy a central position geographically ; they most obviously manifest themselves in the form of towns and cities .
22 DB2 is a relational DBMS , that is data structures are presented to it in the form of tables ; IMS views the data structures in terms of hierarchies ; and IDMS in terms of networks .
23 A staggering £300,000 had been raised from local people and businesses , some of it in the form of covenants .
24 They are also able to add vitamins and minerals in the form of premixes , to match the requirements for growth , or work etc .
25 Decisions had to be taken about which information was best presented in the form of bar-charts , and which was more suited to pie-charts or line graphs .
26 As software has improved computers can also output the results in the form of bar-charts , pie-charts , scattergraphs , and so on .
27 Depression , which is expressed in tears , can follow or else a sense of outrage at not being taken seriously , which can explode in the form of tears of rage .
28 Domestic bonds traditionally are registered securities , usually issued in the form of debentures ; they are listed on the London Stock Exchange and they pay interest net of UK income tax .
29 Support for the scanning hypothesis of lateral differences in tachistoscopic recognition came in the form of findings which showed the direction of visual field asymmetry to be related to whether the stimuli are symmetrically shaped ( Bryden , 1968 ) or are presented in normal or in mirror image orientation ( Harcum and Filion , 1963 ) .
30 During this , the shaman wore a special coat , often elaborately embellished with symbolic designs , trailing thongs , bells and iron pendants in the form of birds or chain ‘ snakes ’ .
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