Example sentences of "[prep] good working [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 They are not legally defined values but are recognised as levels of good working practice and have the advantage of being easily amended if necessary in the light of new evidence as to the toxicity of a particular substance .
2 Not only do we need to strengthen up the entire body to keep it in good working order but there are certain areas that need extra exercise to give the area more definition ; areas that accumulate unwanted flab .
3 ‘ Could it be that your machine is due a jolly good clean and ‘ MOT ’ to make sure everything is in good working order before you start your Christmas rush ? ’
4 Keep your front and rear lights in good working order and do n't forget to switch them on .
5 The large drone was beyond repair , but the two tenor drones were in good working order and , most important of all , the chanter was OK .
6 Nutrition is the process by which the body acquires all the foodstuffs it needs to keep it in good working order and converts them into energy , new body tissue and those substances necessary to keep all the body processes ( metabolism ) going .
7 Old binders can still be found at farm sales , but few are in good working order and spare parts and canvases may cost more than the machines themselves .
8 The second is any child under the age of about five , who is unlikely to be able to concentrate for the necessary time — although it must be said that older children probably make the best subjects of all , as they are still at the stage where their imagination is in good working order and they have not become weighed down by the need to earn a living or the problems of bringing up a family .
9 The bulb must be in good working order and the wiring must be good , i.e. free from any short circuits or bad earths which could adversely affect the lamp ,
10 were the , were th were the dumpers in good working order and had
11 keep your bicycle in good working order and fitted with suitable reflectors
12 keep your bicycle in good working order and fitted with suitable reflectors
13 keep your bicycle in good working order and fitted with suitable reflectors
14 Normally the following sentence in the reporting officer 's statement will suffice : ‘ The seat belt was fitted and was in good working order when I tested it .
15 Tour thick skin needs to be in good working order when someone tells you they could get a jumper cheaper than yours at the ‘ Cheap Jack ’ shop in town .
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